The range runs into the Saruwaged Range to the east and together they form a natural barrier between the Ramu and Markham valleys to the south and Vitiaz Strait to the north.
Larry Santana, born in Ramu Valley, Papua New Guinea, in 1962, is a Papua New Guinean painter.
It is commonly found in the Markham, Ramu, and Sepik Rivers; their preferred habitat includes clear rainforest streams, swamps, pools, and lagoons abundant in vegetation and submerged logs.
The Saruwaged Range runs into the Finisterre Range to the west and together they form a natural barrier between the Ramu and Markham valleys to the south and Vitiaz Strait to the north.
The Sepik–Ramu languages are a hypothetical language family linking the Sepik, Ramu, Nor–Pondo (Lower Sepik), Leonhard Schultze (Walio–Papi), and Yuat families, together with the Taiap language isolate, and proposed by Donald Laycock in 1973.
Sepik–Ramu would consist of a hundred languages of the Sepik and Ramu river basins of northern Papua New Guinea, but spoken by only 200 000 people in all.
Zappa confluentus, the New Guinea slender mudskipper, endemic to New Guinea where it is only known from the lower parts of the Fly, Ramu and Bintuni Rivers.
Ramu | Ramu languages | Ramu 1 |
One Banyan tree is planted by late Shree Ramu Ram Garhwal.
He is often known to his students as the Ramu (רמ"ו), which is the transliteration of the acronym of the Hebrew letters Reish, Mem, and Vav, which spell out the first letters of Rav Willig's name (Rabbi Mordechai Willig = רב מרדכי וויליג).
Yonki Dam is an earth-fill embankment dam over the Ramu River that supports the Ramu 1 hydroelectric power plant and the (under construction) Yonki Toe of Dam power plant