
unusual facts about Rapport

Amor Vittone

This included: "Fair Lady", "Keur", Huisgenoot, "You", Sarie, "Finesse", FHM, "Insig", "Vroue Keur", "De Kat", "Tydskrif Rapport", "Sunday Times Magazine", "Personality", "Directions", "Longevity", Rooi Rose, "Die Lig", “Baba en Kleuter” and “Marie Claire”.

Alan Devonshire

He also enhanced his rapport with supporters by travelling to home game on the London Underground from his West London home.

Beena Kannan

Her rapport with the weaving communities earned for her a “Lifetime Achievement Award” from Coimbatore Erode Weaving community in 2009.On September 2011, Beena Kannan Designed Saris walk the “Swarovski Elements 2011″ Ramp.

Jack Lew

A 2011 press release from the Religion News Service noted that Lew also "has extensive connections in the American Jewish community," and that he might be able to help President Obama "build a more friendly rapport" with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Jean-Baptiste Robert Lindet

Initially close to the Girondists, Lindet was very hostile to King Louis XVI, provided a Rapport sur les crimes imputés à Louis Capet (December 20, 1792) – a report of the king's alleged crimes – and voted for the king's execution without appeal.

Jeff Blake

Blake's best seasons came with Cincinnati in the mid-to-late 1990s (when he was often referred to as "Shake-N-Blake" by local media and fans); he established great rapport with Bengal receivers Carl Pickens and Darnay Scott, helping the former vie for the receiving title in 1995.


The composition "Yokada Yokada" was named after the song "Yakety Yak", referring to "senseless dialogue between people," whilst "Alfred" was, of course, dedicated to producer Alfred Lion because of his "natural understanding of jazz in general," and because of the rapport that was established in the interpretation of Hill's tunes.

Mathieu Flamini

Flamini enjoyed a generally good rapport with Arsenal's fans, who provided him with his own song, an adaptation of the theme tune to British television programme The Sweeney.

Operation Unified Response

In a statement the Italian government moved to distance itself from the Italian Civil Protection head, Guido Bertolaso, who asserted that the U.S. effort was badly lead and managed, lacking a "rapport" with aid organizations and local people.


Jayan's intimate rapport with Dr. Tharakan, a scientist of sorts, engaged in the theory of impending doomsday, helps him see things clearly.

Roselyne Sibille

2006 Préludes, fugues et symphonie, Publisher : Rapport d’Etape (Venise (Italy) French bookshop).

Saad Zaghloul

At the time of Zaghloul's arrival in the Seychelles, a number of other prominent anti-imperialist leaders were also exiled there, including Mohamoud Ali Shire, the 20th Sultan of the Somali Warsangali Sultanate, with whom Zaghloul would soon develop a rapport.

Stephen Hudson

He was the host at a celebrated party in Paris on 18 May 1922, when Marcel Proust met James Joyce (without the slightest rapport); other guests included Sergei Diaghilev, Igor Stravinsky and Pablo Picasso.

Ted Rosenthal

One critic noted, "The rapport of the Mulligan group was amazing, particularly Gerry’s telepathic communication with outstanding pianist Ted Rosenthal ... The byplay with Rosenthal left me with my jaw hanging down" (Gene Lees, The Jazz Letter).

The Thing That Wouldn't Die

Sally herself hurries to bring an amicable end to her relationship with Don, which she accomplishes by putting him through a crash personality alteration course which improves him to the point that he becomes a completely different person—one so different from the one he used to be that he and Sally no longer have any kind of rapport, making their parting one of respect and camaraderie rather than one of lost love.

see also