
5 unusual facts about Demetrius


According to Ancho Kaloyanov, the name of the village is derived from Greek άγιος (agios, "Saint") and the shortening of the personal name Demetrius, i.e. "Saint Demetrius", both through Turkic.

Demetrius and the Gladiators

The movie presents Victor Mature as Demetrius, a Christian slave made to fight in the Roman arena as a gladiator, and Susan Hayward as Messalina.

Gujrat District

It remained under the Mauryas until shortly after the death of Asoka in 231, and about forty years later came under the sway of Demetrius the Graeco-Bactrian.

Rawalpindi District

The invasion of Demetrius in 195 B.C. brought the Punjab under the Graeco-Bactrian kings.

The Faction Theatre Company

"The Demetrius Project" will see Schiller's unfinished piece, Demetrius, completed by a team of writers and performed by the company.

Agathocles of Bactria

Agathocles issued a series of "pedigree" dynastic coins, probably with the intent to advertise his lineage and legitimize his rule, linking him to Alexander the Great, a king Antiochus Nikator (Greek: "Νικάτωρ" "Victorious", probably intended is Antiochus III), the founder of the Greco-Bactrian kingdom Diodotus and his son Diodotus II, Euthydemus, Pantaleon, and Demetrius.

Alexandra Gallitzin

Sister to Moscow aristocrat and writer Catherine Rostopchin and maid of honour and dame of the Order of Saint Catherine Vera Vasilchikova, she was the mother of five, including Peter Gallitzin, and the grandmother of the Roman Catholic missionary, Demetrius Augustine Gallitzin who published her writing post-humously.

Antiochus IV Epiphanes

Since Seleucus' legitimate heir, Demetrius I Soter, was still a hostage in Rome, Antiochus, with the help of King Eumenes II of Pergamum, seized the throne for himself, proclaiming himself co-regent for another son of Seleucus, an infant named Antiochus (whom he then murdered a few years later).


The monastical school (working in 1871–1877), the St Pantaleon, St Petka and St Marina chapels and the 17th-century bell tower of the St Demetrius Church have been restored by a local association; an ethnographic collection and an open air museum of agriculture were set up as well.

Christopher James Jones

Christopher's stage roles include those of the Wolf and Cinderella’s Prince in Into the Woods by Stephen Sondheim, Baal in Baal by Bertolt Brecht, Demetrius in A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare, Barnum in the musical Barnum by Cy Coleman, and even that of Elvis.

Constantine IX Monomachos

At the time of Constantine's death in January 1055, the emperor had another mistress, a certain "Alan princess", probably Irene, daughter of the Georgian Bagratid prince Demetrius.

Craig Vye

He was a member of the Big Spirit Youth Theatre starring in various roles such as Rosencrantz in Hamlet, Demetrius in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Eiliff in Mother Courage, Augustus in The Importance of Being Ernest, Ralph in The Lord of the Flies.

Demetrio e Polibio

Everyone believes Siveno to be the son of Minteus, a minister of King Demetrius of Syria, but he is actually the long estranged son of Demetrius.

Demetrius I of Bactria

The kings Pantaleon, Antimachus, Agathocles and possibly Euthydemus II ruled after Demetrius I, and theories about their origin include all of them being relatives of Demetrius I, or only Antimachus.

Demetrius II of India

Justin's Demetrius may have been a relative of the Indian king Apollodotus I or a fugitive prince of the Euthydemid dynasty.

Demétrius Montanini

Demétrius was part of the Campomaiorense side who reached the final of the 1998–99 Taça de Portugal.

Demetrius the Fair

Apama was Demetrius’ niece, who was a daughter of his paternal half sister Stratonice of Syria from her marriage to Greek king of the Seleucid Empire Antiochus I Soter.

Henry Herford

Notable among his roles are the Count (The Marriage of Figaro), Guglielmo and Alfonso (Cosi Fan Tutte), the title role in Don Giovanni, Germont (La Traviata), Silvio (I Pagliacci), Dr Falke (Die Fledermaus), the Forester (The Cunning Little Vixen), Smirnov (William Walton's The Bear), and Demetrius (A Midsummer Night's Dream), which he recorded for Virgin Records.

Ilona of Hungary

Helen of Hungary, Queen of Croatia (1364–1395), daughter of King Béla I of Hungary and wife of King Demetrius Zvonimir of Croatia

Jonathan Summers

He was a member of The Royal Opera, Covent Garden, from 1976 to 1986, singing such roles as Albert in Werther, the Animal Tamer in the British premiere of the three-act version of Lulu, Demetrius in A Midsummer Night's Dream, Papageno in The Magic Flute, Ford in Falstaff, Sharpless in Madama Butterfly and Marcello in La bohème.


Simon gave support to Demetrius II Nicator, the Seleucid king, and in return Demetrius exempted the Maccabees from tribute.

Stephen I of Iberia

The exterior stone plaque of the church of the Holy Cross at Mtskheta, Georgia, mentions the principal builders of this church: Stephanos the patricius, Demetrius the hypatos, and Adarnase the hypatos who have traditionally been equated by the Georgian scholars with Stephen I, son of Guaram; Demetre, brother of Stephen I and Adarnase I.

The Humorous Lieutenant

It is set in the ancient Middle East after the death of Alexander the Great, and features the major historical figures of the era: Antigonus, his son Demetrius, and Seleucus, Ptolemy, and Lysimachus.

The Mother of All Monsters

Hercules enters the house to find Alcmene and Demetrius kissing on the sofa.

Thomas Hemsley

In 1960 he created the role of Demetrius in Britten's A Midsummer Night's Dream with the English Opera Group at Aldeburgh.

Tico Wells

He was Tim in the movie The Wishlist, and played Dexter Williams, the younger brother of Denzel Washington's character Demetrius Williams, in Mississippi Masala.

Vakhtang, son of David IV of Georgia

A reference to the aristocratic plot against Demetrius on behalf of Vakhtang is found in the contemporaneous Armenian chronicle by Vardan although the author does not directly names the rebellious prince.

see also