He played the character "Andy" a fellow sportswriter and friend of sportswriter "Ray Barone" (Ray Romano) on the TV show Everybody Loves Raymond, is a regular guest on Late Show with David Letterman, contributor to The Daily Show and has performed on HBO.
Goodman is also known for his deep throat voice which has been poked fun at numerous times in Family Guy audio commentaries, particularly by the creator Seth MacFarlane and writer Alec Sulkin who both believe his voice sounds a lot like Ray Romano's.
Guy held the record for the most wins for a comedian (10) beating such comedians as Ray Romano and nine others.
In 2002 Nicholas Sadler was the creative consultant for the Ray Romano documentary 95 Miles to Go, directed by Tom Caltabiano (Producer, Everybody Loves Raymond)
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Returning home, the Griffin family decide to watch a television show entitled Roundtable, featuring guests Al Michaels, Harold Ramis, Ray Romano and Kermit the Frog.