Ray Charles | Ray Bradbury | X-ray | Man Ray | Josephine Baker | Satyajit Ray | Stevie Ray Vaughan | Chet Baker | Tom Baker | Ray Milland | Ray Liotta | Ray Davies | Sugar Ray Leonard | James Baker | Billy Ray Cyrus | Baker | Ray Stevens | Blu-ray Disc | Howard Baker | Ray Winstone | Ray Kurzweil | David Baker | Colin Baker | X-ray crystallography | Richard Baker | Ray Brown (musician) | Ray Bolger | Ray Mears | Anita Baker | Sugar Ray Robinson |
Examples of its work include Ida Tarbell's series in 1902 exposing the monopoly abuses of John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil Company, and Ray Stannard Baker's earlier look at the United States Steel Corporation, which focused the public eye on the conduct of corporations.