
unusual facts about Recitation

Albert Vogel, Sr.

He was also active as room recitator of Queen Elisabeth of Romania and was the founder of the Maatschappij tot bevordering van de Woordkunst (Society for the Advancement of the Art of Words).


Recitation |

Alice Shields

She is also trained as an opera singer, and since the 1990s has acquired skill as a performer of nattuvangam, a form of South Indian rhythmic recitation used to accompany bharatanatyam dance.

Chikap Kamuy

The third messenger was the Dipper Bird, who listened respectfully for six full days until Chikap Kamuy finally completed the recitation of the message.

City Under the Sea

To this extent the film took the title of a Poe poem, "The City in the Sea", and attempted to exploit the Poe films trend, even though the film is only loosely based on the poem with a recitation of the poem at the end of the film.

Devakottai Ramanathan

Ramanathan received first prize in a state level recitation competition organized by Murasoli Arakattalai in 2002 and was felicitated by Mr. M. Karunanidhi, ex Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu and a highly recognized figure in the field of Tamil Literature.

Divine Office

Canonical hours, the recitation of such prayers in Christianity more generally

Liturgy of the Hours, the recitation of certain Christian prayers at fixed hours according to the discipline of the Roman Catholic Church

Echoes of Innocence

The movie opens with a recitation of Romans 8:18: I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.

Edgar Allan Poe: Once Upon a Midnight

It is peppered with numerous quotes from many of Poe's works, and also includes a complete recitation of Poe's poem "The Raven".

Fast of Gedalia

As with regular fast days, the cantor includes the prayer Aneinu in the repetition of the Amidah during Shacharit and Mincha as a separate Bracha between the prayers for redemption and healing, and in the private recitation of the Mincha amidah it is recited as an addition to Shema Koleinu (general prayer acceptance).


Pope Gregory XV placed the religious under the Rule of St. Augustine, the vow of poverty being added to those of chastity and obedience and monastic observance and the recitation of the Office of the Blessed Virgin imposed.

Himayat Ali Shair

In 2002, Houston based Radio Station Young Tarang released a CD based on Shair's poetry which included songs sung by famous Pakistani singers and recitation by himself.

I Have a Dream

The closing passage from King's speech partially resembles Archibald Carey, Jr.'s address to the 1952 Republican National Convention: both speeches end with a recitation of the first verse of Samuel Francis Smith's popular patriotic hymn "America" (My Country ’Tis of Thee), and the speeches share the name of one of several mountains from which both exhort "let freedom ring".

Ian Rowland

Citing Rowland's recitation of the tricks of "astrologers and psychics," journalist Malcolm Gladwell has criticised the practice of offender profiling by the FBI.


The album features a recitation of a verse from the Qur’an (Ar-Rahman) and duas (supplications) from the Qur’an and Sunnah (teachings and practices of Islamic prophet Muhammad) as well as non-instrumental Islamic nasheeds about Allah and Muhammad based on the Qur'an and Hadith.

Indulgentiarum Doctrina

# Recitation of the Rosary or the Akathist in a church or oratory, or in a family, a religious community, an association of the faithful and, in general, when several people come together for an honourable purpose.

Jan Van Rijswijck

Of the many speeches, which he held on judicial matters, Flanders and ships, only a few were published: on Abraham Lincoln (recitation, Antw. 1877); George Washington (recitation Antw. 1879); Cavour (recitation, Antw. 1879); all due to the Willemsfonds.

Jim MacCool

His shows typically combine his singing of Irish or Scots folk ballads, such as The Belle of Belfast City or Whiskey in the Jar, a poetic recitation and a Celtic drum performance.

Jutta von Sponheim

Jutta taught Hildegard to write; to read the collection of psalms used in the liturgy; and to chant the Opus Dei (‘work of God’), the weekly sequential recitation of the Canonical hours.


Kacapi is a zither-like Sundanese musical instrument played as the main accompanying instrument in the Tembang Sunda or Mamaos Cianjuran, kacapi suling (tembang Sunda without vocal accompaniment) genre (called kecapi seruling in Indonesian), pantun stories recitation or an additional instrument in Gamelan Degung performance.

Le drapeau belge

”Le drapeau belge” ("The Belgian Flag") is a recitation with orchestral accompaniment written by the English composer Edward Elgar as his Op. 79, in 1917.

Lewis T. Babcock

Among the notable cases he has handled are:Lane v. Owens, in which he ruled that the State of Colorado could not permissibly compel recitation of the pledge of allegiance; Golan v. Gonzales, in which he held that the copyright provisions of the Uruguay Round Agreements Act did not violate the United States Constitution; and the litigation arising out of the Columbine High School massacre.

Maariv Aravim

HaMaariv Aravim and Ahavat Olam being recited at the beginning of Maariv is seen as a preparation for the recitation of the Shema in the form of an affirmation of unity.

Monotonic scale

The Annotated Book of Common Prayer similarly notes that (according to Saint Augustine) Saint Athanasius discouraged variance in note in liturgical recitation, but that eventual modulation of the note led to the development of plainsong.

Mufaddal Saifuddin

As a child, during the era of Syenda Taher Saifuddin, he began the recitation of the Quran in Saifee Villa; Colombo, Sri Lanka.

Mustafa Özcan Güneşdoğdu

His Qur'an recitation was featured on the accompanying CD for the book Approaching the Qur'an, written by Michael Sells.

Pico and Sepulveda

The lyrics are mostly just a recitation of Los Angeles-area streetnames: Doheny, Cahuenga, La Brea, La Jolla, Sequoia, Alvarado, Santa Monica, Beverly, and Vine (Figueroa is also a Los Angeles street).

Poetry Foundation

The Poetry Out Loud recitation contest was created in 2006 by the Poetry Foundation and the National Endowment for the Arts to increase awareness of poetry through performance and competition.

Private Romeo

Amidst this recitation is a gay love blossoming between the two cadets, Sam Singleton / Romeo played by Seth Numrich and Glenn Mangan / Juliet played by Matt Doyle.

Ranking of liturgical days in the Roman Rite

The rank indicates some particular points about the manner of celebrating the day: for instance, the Mass of a Solemnity will include recitation of Gloria in Excelsis and Creed, that of what is now called in a specific technical sense a Feast will have Gloria but not Creed.

Relics of Sariputra and Mahamoggallana

In order that a wide cross section of Burmese society had an opportunity to view the relics, a marine tour along the Irrawaddy from Mandalay to Rangoon was commissioned, drawing vast crowds of people from the adjacent villages to hear sermons and the recitation of sutras which accompanied the tour.

Ruggles of Red Gap

The climax of the film is Laughton’s recitation of the Gettysburg Address (something that does not happen in the original story).

Saifee Villa

During the era of Syenda Taher Saifuddin, as a child, Syedi Mufaddal Saifuddin (the successor to the office of Da'i al-Mutlaq of the Dawoodi Bohras after Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin), began the recitation of the Quran in Saifee Villa.

Santa Catalina Monastery

The dowry expected of a woman who wished to enter as a choir nun--indicated by wearing a black veil—and who thereby accepted the duty of the daily recitation of the Divine Office, was 2,400 silver coins, equivalent to about $150,000 (U.S.) today.

Sathya Sai Organization

They must try to spread interest in japam (recitation of God's Name), dhyaanam (meditation) and other sadhanas (spiritual practices), which lead man Godward; they must demonstrate the joy derivable from bhajan (devotional group singing) and Naamasmarana (remembering God's Name), the Shanthi (peace) that one can draw from Sathsang (good company).

Spirits Burning

Robert Calvert's Centigrade 232 tape recitation was first used with music on the second Spirits Burning album Reflections In A Radio Shower, released in 2001.

Ten Days of Repentance

Yom Kippur is over at sundown on the tenth day at nightfall but is 'confirmed' as concluded after the recitation of the Kaddish following the end of ne'ila ("closing") prayer and the shofar is sounded.

The Thunder, Perfect Mind

A 2005 film by Jordan Scott (the daughter of Ridley Scott) depicts Canadian model Daria Werbowy moving through various urban scenes (such as a nightclub, the back of a taxi, and around Potsdamer Platz in Berlin), while a recitation from the poem is read in as a form of narrative commentary.

Tsinghua Bamboo Slips

The gathering takes place in the ancestral temple to King Wen of Zhou, King Wu's father, and incorporates beer drinking and the recitation of hymns in the style of the received Shi Jing.

Voyager: The Jugglers of Jusa

"Never trust the Obvious" receives two remixes: "The Innocence of Devils: Alone", which contains a recitation of author Edgar Allan Poe's Alone; and "Alone II", an extended version.

William Curnow

As a child he competed in a recitation contest at a local Methodist chapel in which he beat a young Henry Irving who at that time was still known by the surname Brodribb.

see also