
3 unusual facts about Recollects


In Newfoundland, Recollect friars established a friary in 1689 at the island's capital, Plaisance (now Placentia), which was staffed until 1701 by friars from Saint-Denis, near Paris.

In 1701, they were replaced by friars from Brittany, an arrangement which lasted until the expulsion of the French from Newfoundland in 1714 after the Treaty of Utrecht.

It was observed by communities of friars in France in Tulle in 1585, at Nevers in 1592, at Limoges in 1596 and in Paris in 1603.


Lahore – A Sentimental Journey

Lahore - A sentimental Journey is Pran Nevile's first book in which he recollects his pre-partition days in Lahore.

Ludovisi Throne

Thomas Hoving, once director of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, recollects being told by an art dealer in Italy that the twin throne in Boston was the work of the great faker Alcide Dossena.

Portnoy's Complaint

Portnoy's career as a civil rights attorney reflects Roth's own Popular front-inspired civic idealism; when he was visited by lawyers from the Anti-Defamation League to discuss the controversy over a story in Goodbye, Columbus, Roth recollects that: "As a high school senior thinking about studying law, I had sometimes imagined working on their staff, defending the civil and legal rights of Jews" (The Facts).

Robert Langbaum

Out of Africa, the book for which she is best known, was also published in 1934, though it recollects a much earlier period, the many years in which she managed a coffee farm in Kenya.

Thor Meets Captain America

While waiting for them to get to their destination, Chris recollects his memory of World War II and how the Nazi Party was about to be defeated by the allied forces until they received the aid of the Norse pantheon.

Va, pensiero

Known as Verdi's "Jewish" work of art, it recollects the story of Jewish exiles in Babylon after the loss of the First Temple in Jerusalem.

see also