
2 unusual facts about Refinement


An example of theoretical contribution consists of investigators showing that emergent properties do not refine


Selectivity or cultural refinement, the ability to notice/distinguish small differences

Advance Design

Advanced meshing engine: "grid" or Delauney mesh algorithm, finite elements with 3, 4, 6 or 9 nodes, progressive meshing, refinement tools, global mesh parameters.

Aer Lualdi L.57

The Aer Lualdi L.57 was a prototype Italian helicopter, a further refinement of Lualdi's ES 53 and L.55 designs.


Further studies of a single crystal of alacranite with dimensions (30 × 60 × 120 mm was examined using direct methods, Fourier syntheses and structure refinement resulting in intensities violating the C lattice type and symmetries like h0l reflections with l = 2n + 1 were absent.

Amy Leslie

Lillie Langtry: "rich, well-born, and of exquisite refinement."

Baherove Air Base

Baherove Air Base was 71st ground Air Force that was established in the Crimean village of Baherove in accordance with the Resolution of the "Council of Ministers of USSR" on August 21, 1947 with the aim of aviation security for air nuclear testing and refinement of technical means of delivering nuclear warheads, which are mainly at the time could only be used by aviation.


Certain bacteria, such as Thiobacillus ferrooxidans and Thiobacillus thiooxidans, which are also used in the mineral refinement process of bioleaching, utilize the chemical energy from oxidation of iron or copper to fix carbon dioxide from the air.

Celestina Boninsegna

Critics particularly admired her relatively smooth vocal delivery and the dignity and refinement that she gave to the vocal lines of the music at hand, although—as the opera commentator and record reviewer Michael Scott details in The Record of Singing (Duckworth, London, 1977)—her technique was not impeccable, with her ripe lowest register not fully integrated with the upper parts of her voice.

Chantilly porcelain

Potters from Chantilly were induced to move to Vincennes, initiating the porcelain manufacture that would receive royal patronage at Sèvres and absorb the French market for porcelain of the highest refinement; letters patent of 1752 granting a monopoly to Vincennes of polychrome decors further reduced Chantilly's scope.

Daoist meditation

The 8th century was a "heyday" of Daoist meditation (Kohn 2008a:119); recorded in works such as Sun Simiao's Cunshen lianqi ming 存神煉氣銘 "Inscription on Visualization of Spirit and Refinement of Energy", Sima Chengzhen 司馬承禎's Zuowanglun "Essay on Sitting in Forgetfulness", and Wu Yun 吳筠's Shenxian kexue lun 神仙可學論 "Essay on How One May Become a Divine Immortal through Training".

Edna Iles

She also championed works by Ernest Bloch, Alan Bush, and Malcolm Arnold, and won praise from leading composers for the technical refinement and structural integrity of her interpretations.


Voice actress Linda Gary imbued Evil-Lyn with the qualities of perniciousness and refinement simultaneously, and indeed, whatever the character did, she did it with style, unlike the vast majority of the other villains.


These fragments, though modest in scale, display considerable architectural refinement, and are in the care of Historic Scotland (no entrance charge).

Fritz Kreisler

Nonetheless, he "radiated a gentleness and refinement not unlike his music," according to Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen who visited him frequently during that time (Kreisler and his wife were converts to Catholicism, received into the Church by the Archbishop himself).

Gerard Salton Award

2000 - Stephen E. Robertson, City University London : "On theoretical argument in information retrieval."
For ... "Thirty years of significant, sustained and continuing contributions to research in information retrieval. Of special importance are the theoretical and empirical contributions to the development, refinement, and evaluation of probabilistic models of information retrieval."

Holcomb Perigee

Originally known as the Ultra-IMP, it was a refinement of the Aerocar Micro-IMP and attempted to overcome the major shortcoming of that design - a lack of power - by replacing the adapted automobile engine that had been used in its predecessor with an engine designed to power ultralights instead.

Holy Trinity Cathedral, Auckland

This surreal effect is made possible by a ridge and furrow roof system, a refinement of that first invented by the architect Joseph Paxton for his Crystal Palace in 1852.

John William Atkinson

He also recognized the importance of measurement in science, maintaining a career-long interest in the refinement of measures of motivation by means of content analysis of imaginative thought using, for example, the Thematic Apperception Test which he developed jointly with his mentor David C. McClelland.

Klaus Holighaus

Fellow students Gerhard Waibel and Wolf Lemke had already developed the D-36 glider and he contributed to its refinement.

Knight engine

Daimler contracted Dr. Frederick Lanchester as their consultant for the purpose and a major re-design and refinement of Knight's design took place in great secrecy.

Margaret Taylor

Born in Calvert County, Maryland, on September 21, 1788, the daughter of Walter Smith, a prosperous Maryland planter and veteran officer of the American Revolution, and Ann Mackall-Smith, "Peggy" was raised amid refinement and wealth.

Radio Data System

ETSA the South Australia Electricity Trust and Saab Systems Australia, a local South Australian company, pioneered the idea after Saab engineer Trent Ryan developed the idea in late 1999 and brought it to Saab for further refinement.

Rietveld refinement

Rietveld refinement is a technique devised by Hugo Rietveld for use in the characterisation of

Spectrum Task Force

The Task Force will also advise the FCC on the evaluation and refinement of spectrum assignment policies, which are not limited to the auction process.

Trace theory

While the trace monoid had been studied by Pierre Cartier and Dominique Foata for its combinatorics in the 1960s, trace theory was first formulated by Antoni Mazurkiewicz in the 1970s, in an attempt to evade some of the problems in the theory of concurrent computation, including the problems of interleaving and non-deterministic choice with regards to refinement in process calculi.

Varghese Mathai

Using the superconnection formalism of Quillen, they obtained a refinement of the Riemann–Roch formula, which links together the Thom classes in K-theory and cohomology, as an equality on the level of differential forms.


They are used for many disciplines of English riding, and are known for their refinement, hardiness and spirit.

see also