
7 unusual facts about Reflections

Charis Katakis

In one of hers books called "Reflections on the state of Greek psychology" she explains why the developments in Greece have been delayed enough and also why the recent ones have not been invisible and perceptible to the World Wide Web and the associations concerning the psychology situation in Greece.

Jill Armitage

She is also an expert in Robin Hood and has authored books like Walking in the Footsteps of Robin Hood in Nottinghamshire and is a contributor to Reflections magazine.

Jody Miller

She also continued to have hits with cover versions of pop hits like "House of the Rising Sun", a hit for The Animals, "Reflections" (different from the Diana Ross and the Supremes hit), and "(You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman", an Aretha Franklin hit.

Joseph Görres

Carl Jung mentions reading Görres as a young man in his autobiography, Memories, Dreams, Reflections (1963) p.

Karl Robert Eduard von Hartmann

Carl Jung wrote in his autobiography, Memories, Dreams, Reflections (1963), that he read von Hartmann "assiduously" (p. 101) ISBN 0-679-72395-1.

Mustafa Nadarević

In the former Yugoslavia, Nadarević played mostly roles of Communist officials, and is best known for his work in the films When Father Was Away on Business, Reflections, The Glembays, The Perfect Circle, etc.

The Best of Carly Simon

A live album, Greatest Hits Live (1988), went some way to rectifying this issue, but the original recorded versions were eventually collected on the three-disc boxed-set Clouds in My Coffee (1995), the two-disc set Anthology (2003) and the single-disc compilation Reflections: Carly Simon's Greatest Hits (2004).

1697 in literature

William Wotton – Reflections upon Ancient and Modern Learning (setting off the English "quarrel of the Ancients and Moderns")

1699 in literature

John Oldmixon – Reflections on the Stage, and Mr Collier's Defence of the Short View

Agnes Pockels

Charles Tanford, Ben Franklin stilled the waves: An informal history of pouring oil on water with reflections on the ups and downs of scientific life in general, Oxford University Press, 2004.


Further studies of a single crystal of alacranite with dimensions (30 × 60 × 120 mm was examined using direct methods, Fourier syntheses and structure refinement resulting in intensities violating the C lattice type and symmetries like h0l reflections with l = 2n + 1 were absent.

Álvaro de Navia Osorio y Vigil, Marqués de Santa Cruz de Marcenado

Between 1726 and 1730, Santa Cruz de Marcenado wrote seven volumes of Military Reflections, published in Turin and Paris.

André Nocquet

A collection of reflections on the philosophy of the founder of aikido together with some 80 photos of Morihei Ueshiba, Kisshomaru Ueshiba, Koichi Tohei, et al.

Arcades Project

The Arcades Project has been posthumously edited and published in many languages as a collection of unfinished reflections.

Big Band Reflections of Cole Porter

"...(The Jazz Orchestra of the Delta) delivers Big Band Reflections of Cole Porter, an album that is sure to delight fans of ambitious, lush big band music. Supplemented by singer Sandra Dudley and trumpeter Marvin Stamm, this is a beautifully arranged, executed, and produced album."

Boyer Lectures

2003 - Owen Harries "Benign or Imperial? Reflections on American Hegemony"

Catalan number

The reflection principle has been widely attributed to Désiré André, but his method did not actually use reflections; and the reflection method is a variation due to Aebly and Mirimanoff.

Circe Maia

Her series of poems 'Poemas de Caraguatá, I, II, III & IV', take their name from the Maia's reflections provoked by an indigenous toponym of Tacuarembó Department in the north of the country, which may variously refer to a range of hills Cuchilla de Caraguatá, a local town named after that range of hills, a local river, the Caraguatá River, or a local plant.

Civic virtue

In his Reflections on the Rise and Fall of the Antient Republicks, the English Whig historian Edward Wortley Montagu sought to describe "the principal causes of that degeneracy of manners, which reduc'd those once brave and free people into the most abject slavery."

Cleo Baldon

Baldon is married to novelist, screenwriter and film director Ib Melchior, with whom she co-authored of the non-fiction books, Reflections on the Pool: California Designs for Swimming and Steps & Stairways.

Cynthia Cozette Lee

From 1982 to 1984, Cozette produced and hosted her own classical music radio interview program on WPEB Public Radio entitled Classical Reflections.

Dominik Garcia-Lorido

In 2008, she had roles in three films, including the racially charged drama I Am Somebody: No Chance in Hell, crime-themed Reflections and La Linea, which features Ray Liotta and Andy Garcia in a story about an assassination attempt on a drug kingpin.

Edward Calver

The work contains moral reflections on the passions, and was illustrated by Peter Stent.

Elizabeth Timothy

She also sold the books Reflections on Courtship and Marriage, Armstrong's Poem on Health, The Westminster Confession of Faith, Watts' Psalms and Hymns, the Pocket Almanack, and Franklin's works including Poor Richard's Almanack.

Emily Saliers

Saliers has co-written a book with her father, Don Saliers, a retired theology professor at Candler School of Theology at Emory University, called A Song to Sing, a Life to Live: Reflections on Music as Spiritual Practice.

Final Exam: A Surgeon's Reflections on Mortality

Final Exam: A Surgeon's Reflections on Mortality is a 2007 book written by surgeon and liver specialist Pauline Chen.

Gérard Rabinovitch

Building upon Freudian knowledge and reflections, in particuliar Civilization and Its Discontents, and upon his own discoveries issuing from the concept of “destructiveness”, Gérard Rabinovitch reflects upon the consequences of the versatile character of destruction and our capacity to adapt it to a variety of historical situations while it remains intact.

Heidi Knapp Rinella

The book The Stardust of Yesterday: Reflections on a Las Vegas Legend written by Rinella, edited by Mike Weatherford and foreword by Siegfried and Roy, is a complete history of the Stardust Resort and Casino.

Hidden in Plain Sight

And yet in another level the text contains ethical and moral reflections pertaining universal questions of helping another human beings referring, among others, to sociologist Zygmunt Bauman and philosopher Peter Singer, especially his Practical Ethics and The Life You Can Save.

IllumiNations: Reflections of Earth

Gavin Greenaway is the composer for IllumiNations: Reflections of Earth.

Ivan Durrant

1970-1972: Flinders Horses and Landscapes - reflections of the period during which Durrant lived in the coastal town of Flinders, Victoria.

Janet Paschal

Paschal has authored two books: in 1997, "The Good Road", a collection of her own writings and reflections on life, based on the book of Jeremiah; in 2008, "Treasures of the Snow".

Jerome, 4th Count de Salis-Soglio

Salis was a friend of Samuel Wix (1771–1861), the pre-Tractarian high-churchman (i.e. pre-Oxford Movement), and paid for his Reflections concerning the expediency of a council of the Church of England and the Church of Rome being holden, with a view to accommodate religious differences (1818) to be translated into several languages.

John Ferriar

M.D. Edinburgh, 1781; his essay on Massinger reprinted in Gifford's edition (1805); physician of the Manchester Infirmary, 1789–1815; introduced many sanitary reforms when on the Manchester board of health; published works including Medical Histories and Reflections 1792-5-8, and Illustrations of Sterne 1798.

Józef Hen

with reflections about his childhood era; and My Friend the King about Stanisław August Poniatowski.


Encounter with Mystery: Reflections on L'Arche and Living with Disability, 1997, by Darton, Longman, editor Frances Young

Lynda Lyon Block

During her time on death row, Block was interviewed by writer Tahir Shah, who included her reflections in his book Travels With Myself, in the chapter entitled "Women on Death Row".

Manos Hatzidakis

His LP Reflections with the New York Rock & Roll Ensemble contained several of his most beautiful songs, either in orchestral form or with English lyrics written by the band – a record that preceded fusion trends by several decades.

Margaret Suckley

Surviving letters include affectionate personal remarks, as well as reports and reflections about the progress of the war and meetings with figures such as with Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin at the Yalta Conference.

Michelle Latimer

Before being on TV, she was involved in several stage productions, such as Anne, Liars, Adventures of Emily Brontesaurus, Reflections on Crooked Walking, Into the Woods, St. Nicholas Hotel, Atreus, Measure for Measure, Grease (as Rizzo), The Music Man, Anything Goes (as Hope Harcourt) and Fiddler on the Roof (as Bielke).

More Monk

It is the third solo album totally made up of Monk's compositions recorded by Lacy following Eronel (1979) and Only Monk (1987) and follows a tradition established on Lacy's second album Reflections (1958).

Olivia De Berardinis

De Berardinis was one of the new artists introduced in the Second Annual Contemporary Reflections 1972-73, of the Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art in Ridgefield, Connecticut.

Reflections in Bullough's Pond

Reflections in Bullough's Pond: Economy and Ecosystem in New England is a book by Diana Muir.

Reflections on the Motive Power of Fire

The Reflections contain a number of principles such as the Carnot cycle, the Carnot heat engine, Carnot's theorem, thermodynamic efficiency.

Siglind Bruhn

Frank Martin's Musical Reflections on Death, Pendragon 2011.

Siona Benjamin

Her work is influenced by biblical subject matter, reflections on gender and an interest in Midrashic process.

Sir Edward Dering, 1st Baronet

Antiquarian studies could, in the days of William Laud's power, hardly fail to connect themselves with reflections on the existing state of the church.

Spirits Burning

Robert Calvert's Centigrade 232 tape recitation was first used with music on the second Spirits Burning album Reflections In A Radio Shower, released in 2001.

Structural violence

In his book Violence: Reflections on a National Epidemic, James Gilligan defines structural violence as "the increased rates of death and disability suffered by those who occupy the bottom rungs of society, as contrasted with the relatively lower death rates experienced by those who are above them."

The Lives of Animals

The collection features an introduction by Amy Gutmann, and following Coetzee’s contribution are reflections on his ideas by Marjorie Garber, Peter Singer, Wendy Doniger, and Barbara Smuts.

Thomas Ankersmit

Physical and psychoacoustic phenomena such as sound reflections, infrasonic vibration, otoacoustic emissions, and highly directional projections of sound have been an important part of his work since the early 2000s.

Trolley Books

Major publications include Recollections and Agent Orange by Philip Jones Griffiths, Homeland and Purple Hearts: Back from Iraq by Nina Berman, Kurds – Through The Photographer’s Lens by the KHRP and The Delfina Foundation, Chernobyl – The Hidden Legacy by Pierpaolo Mittica and New Londoners – Reflections on Home by the charity Photovoice in association with 12 young refugees, living in London.

Uniform Commercial Code

That update of the UCC treats the majority of the transfers of dematerialized securities as mere reflections of their respective initial issue registered by the two American central securities depositories, respectively the Depository Trust Company (DTC) for the securities issued by corporations and the Federal reserve for the securities issued by the Treasury Department.

Virlana Tkacz

They included A Light from the East, Explosions, Blind Sight, Yara’s Forest Song, Waterfall/Reflections, with legendary folk-singer Nina Matvienko, Kupala, Koliada: Twelve Dishes, Still the River Flows Winter Sun, and Song Tree which Bob Holman called “a luscious experience, flowing from folk to avant-garde, from the bizarre to the holy -- jampacked and juicy.”

Who Needs the Peace Corps?

The lyrics of "Who Needs the Peace Corps?" mock hippies and people who follow the hippie fashion (such as wearing beads, leather bands and long hair, or "smoking dope") without caring about the social reflections and political views of the concept.

Wolfgang F. Danspeckgruber

Danspeckgruber’s publications include Crisis Diplomacy in Egypt in the Huffington Post, 2011; "Globalization - Reflections on Impact and Dichotomies" in Carl Baudenbacher, Erhard Busek, eds.

see also