
unusual facts about morality

Hoi Ping Chamber of Commerce Secondary School

In line with the school motto Morality (德, "Tak"), Wisdom (智, "Chi"), Health (健, "Kin") and Diligence (勤, "Kan"), the school emphasizes a balanced development in students' conduct, academic pursuit and extracurricular activities.

Alfred Cooper

His speciality in venereal disease gave him an unusual access to and perspective on late Victorian aristocratic morality.


Amorality, the absence of morality; for example, a stone, a chair, or the sky may be considered amoral

Anne-Françoise Rutkowski

Born in Lille, Rutkowski received her MA in Social psychology at the Charles de Gaulle University – Lille III in 1993, and her Ph.D. in Cognitive and Social Psychology in 1999 at the Tilburg University for the thesis entitled "The social co-construction of the referential world : a redefinition of human morality" under supervision of Kenneth J. Gergen.

Antonio Escobar y Mendoza

They were also ridiculed in witty verses by Molière, Boileau and La Fontaine, and gradually the name Escobar came to signify in France any person who is adroit in making the rules of morality harmonize with his own interests, a casuist.

Christopher Sclater Millard

In 1908 Millard released Oscar Wilde: Art and Morality, a defense of The Picture of Dorian Gray.

Eddie Waitkus

Author Bernard Malamud, who was not a baseball fan himself, took the basic elements of the Waitkus story and wove them along with various baseball legends (notably Joe Jackson) into a novel, a morality tale called The Natural.

Emílio Garrastazu Médici

Official censorship tightened its grip over the media, and the import of the men's magazines Playboy, Penthouse and Lui, as well as the West German news magazine Der Spiegel, was banned because they offended “morality and proper behavior”.

England in 1819

Meanwhile, the army is corrupt and dangerous to liberty, the laws are harsh and useless, religion has lost its morality, and Parliament (the "Senate") is a relic.

Gottfried Keller

Hartmann characterizes two of the stories in Die Leute von Seldwyla as immortal: “Die drei gerechten Kammacher” he views as the most satyric and scorching attack on the sordid petit bourgeois morality ever penned by any writer, and “Romeo und Julie auf dem Dorfe” as one of the most pathetic tales in literature (Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet plot in a Swiss village setting).

Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals

In his book On the Basis of Morality (1840), Arthur Schopenhauer presents a careful analysis of the Groundwork.

Guillaume de Felice

He became a pastor at the Reformed Church of Bolbec, in Normandy Seine-Maritime, then a professor of theology in Montauban, occupying the chair 'de morale et d'éloquence sacrée' (of morality and holy speech).

Hidden in Plain Sight

And yet in another level the text contains ethical and moral reflections pertaining universal questions of helping another human beings referring, among others, to sociologist Zygmunt Bauman and philosopher Peter Singer, especially his Practical Ethics and The Life You Can Save.

History of Princeton University

Witherspoon's common sense approach to morality was more influenced by the Enlightenment ethics of Scottish philosophers Francis Hutcheson and Thomas Reid than the Christian virtue of Jonathan Edwards.

Immanuel Jakobovits, Baron Jakobovits

In the House of Lords he became known as a campaigner for traditional morality.

Imperial Way Faction

Araki was a noted political philosopher within the Army, who linked the ancient bushido code of the samurai with ideas similar to European fascism to form the ideological basis of his philosophy, which linked the Emperor, the people, land and morality as one and indivisible.

International legal theories

In his De jure Belli ac Pacis Libri Tres ("Three Books on the Law of War and Peace") of 1625, and drawing from the Bible and from the St. Augustine's just war theory, he argued that nations as well as persons ought to be governed by universal principle based on morality and divine justice.

Jean-Marie Guyau

Although an enthusiastic admirer of the works of Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill, he did not spare them a careful scrutiny of their approach to morality.

Jens Jørgen Thorsen

The film was to have been made in Britain, but it faced intense opposition from Christian morality campaigner Mary Whitehouse, pressure groups, as well as from the Queen, then Prime Minister James Callaghan, and the Archbishop of Canterbury, Donald Coggan.

John Ridpath

During his career he has defended the morality of capitalism against socialism in debates on college campuses across North America including Yale University, Harvard University, the University of Chicago, UCLA and Berkeley, and notably against former premier of Ontario Bob Rae.


Many regarded the painting as a blow to morality; this was the general view of such Victorians as Sir William Blake Richmond and Walter Crane when shown this painting in London.

Mohammad-Ali Eslami Nodooshan

His versatile writings often reach over themes from "Morality and Literature" to "Dialogue Among Civilizations".

Moral objectivism

Moral universalism (also called minimal or moderate moral realism), the meta-ethical position that some system of ethics or morality is universally valid, without any further semantic or metaphysical claim.

Nicholas Trübner

His own works include, besides the catalogues and bibliographies already mentioned, translations from Flemish of Hendrik Conscience's Sketches of Flemish Life, 1846, from German of part of Brunnhofer's Life of Giordano Bruno, Scheffel's Die Schweden in Rippoldsau, and Eckstein's Eternal Laws of Morality; and a memoir of Joseph Octave Delepierre, Belgian consul in London, whose daughter he married.

Norman Hill

In 1969, Norman Hill also had a lead role in the controversial movie Burn!, starring Marlon Brando and Evaristo Marquez and directed by Gillo Pontecorvo, about the impact and morality of an English mercenary on the slave revolt of an "imaginary" Caribbean island of Queimada.

Normative ethics

Ethics of care or relational ethics, founded by feminist theorists, notably Carol Gilligan, argues that morality arises out of the experiences of empathy and compassion.

People's Houses

Notably these were built according to neo-Gothic style, as promoted by Augustus Pugin and John Ruskin: Pugin believed the harmonious style of the architecture could influence morality, while Ruskin in his book The Stones of Venice examined the architecture of the Italian Renaissance mercantile republics, believing it expressed the spirit of freedom.

Peter und Ännchen

The libretto was based on Charles Simon Favart and Marie Favart's text for Annette et Lubin, a comédie mêlée d'ariettes with music by Adolphe Benoît Blaise, which was in turn based on Jean-François Marmontel's morality tale of the same name.

R. H. Tawney

Tawney “bemoaned the division between commerce and social morality brought about by the Protestant Reformation, leading as it did to the subordination of Christian teaching to the pursuit of material wealth”.

Radhanath Ray

He has penned blank-verses, satire inspired by writings of Dryden and Alexander Pope, denunciation of despots, tyrants and oppressors, concern with social problems, a spirit of protest against conventional morality, a disbelief in the power of gods and goddesses, and patriotic sentiments, which finally brought him trouble from his employers.

Raymond Geuss

They are: The Idea of a Critical Theory: Habermas and the Frankfurt School; Morality, Culture, and History; Public Goods, Private Goods; History and Illusion in Politics; Glueck und Politik; Outside Ethics, Philosophy and Real Politics, and Politics and the Imagination, which has just appeared from Princeton University Press.

Rick Boychuk

He said that many people in his ward found Murray unacceptable as a candidate, and was quoted as saying "If I was an average working guy on the railway and I didn't know Glen, I wouldn't vote for him because he's gay. That's the way the guys out there feel. ... He has to wait his time until morality changes." He instead supported the candidacy of Terry Duguid, a left-leaning member of the Liberal Party.

Rise of Rome

Edward Gibbon noted that the Roman dictatorship was all the more difficult to baer due to the prior understanding and experience of political freedom - even under such late figures as Commodus, they were so famous for instance, a typical Roman magistrate or professional would be fully educated in all of the civics, ethics and morality that he saw violated all day every day around him, knowing himself to be in grave risk of his life if he raised this as an issue in public.

Robert C. Morlino

In 2004 he publicly expressed a traditional conservative religious criticism of the city's apparent lack of a moral compass, claiming that it existed below a religious "moral minimum" and that the city had "virtually no public morality." He specifically cited the popularity of the city's acclaimed StageQ community theater company, a gay and lesbian theater troupe, as evidence of this view.

Robin Hood Morality Test

In the test, a situation is posed and the reader is asked to rank Robin Hood, Maid Marian, Little John and the Sheriff of Nottingham in terms of the morality of their actions in the scenario.

Sexual abstinence

The Fighting Temptations, a film which features a storyline that involves sexual morality

Stock character

Circa 212 BC, Ariston’s discourse on morality included several proud Character types and mimicked the Theophrastan style.

The Compromising of Integrity, Morality and Principles in Exchange for Money Tour

The "Compromising of Integrity, Morality, & Principles in Exchange for Money" was a multi-band tour which began October 9, 2008 in the U.S. state of Virginia.

The Jukes family

Legal historian Paul A. Lombardo states that very soon the Jukes family study was turned into a "genetic morality tale" which combined religious notions of the sins of the father and eugenic pseudoscience.

The Spy Who Came in from the Cold

Control tells Leamas that Smiley had not returned to the Circus after the events of Call for the Dead because of moral qualms about unethical Circus operations.

There Is No Authority But Yourself

The title of the film is derived from the final lines of the Crass album Yes Sir, I Will; "You must learn to live with your own conscience, your own morality, your own decision, your own self. You alone can do it. There is no authority but yourself."

Think of the children

Anita Bryant led a campaign called Save Our Children. By focusing on the idea that gays and lesbians were somehow threatening to children and biblical morality, Bryant created a rhetorical focus which rallied 70% of the vote to repeal the ordinance, removing those civil rights protections.

This Side of Paradise

Published in 1920, and taking its title from a line of the Rupert Brooke poem Tiare Tahiti, the book examines the lives and morality of post-World War I youth.

Union of Evangelical Christians-Baptists of Russia

In 1959 an article in the official organ Izvestia said that "The Baptists and other evangelical sects mislead people with high-flown words, and try to divert them from industrious life, from the enlightened happenings of our great era. They try to disrupt Soviet morality".

Wiccan Rede

According to Don Frew, Valiente composed the couplet, following Gardner's statement that witches "are inclined to the morality of the legendary Good King Pausol, 'Do what you like so long as you harm none'"; he claims the common assumption that the Rede was copied from Crowley is misinformed, and has resulted in the words often being misquoted as "an it harm none, do what thou wilt" instead of "do what you will".

William Pitt Smith

Smith’s writing also spoke positively of deism, noting its practitioners were “of amiable characters, or sense, learning and morality,” and he argued that Universalism could serve as a bridge to connect the theological separation between deists and Christians.


It most openly challenges the institution of Catholicism and the strict sexual morality of Spanish society.

see also