
unusual facts about Relational database

Array DBMS

The relational data model, which is prevailing today, does not directly support the array paradigm to the same extent as sets and tuples.

Forte 4GL

Being an enterprise application development system, Forté 4GL supported close linkage to a number of different relational database systems, including Oracle, Sybase, Microsoft SQL Server, Informix, and DB2.

IBM Research

IBM Research was behind the inventions of the SABRE travel reservation system, the technology of laser eye surgery, magnetic storage, the relational database, UPC barcodes and Watson, the question-answering computing system that won a match against human champions on the Jeopardy! television quiz show.

RISE Editor

The database code generators write incremental scripts for creating, and updating, relational database models based on the RISE model.


SedDB is based on a relational database that contains the full range of analytical values for sediment samples, primarily from marine sediment cores, including major and trace element concentrations, radiogenic and stable isotope ratios, and data for all types of material such as organic and inorganic components, leachates, and size fractions.

Trading room

Born during the same period, they share many technical features, such as a three-tier architecture, whose back-end runs on a Unix platform, a relational database on either Sybase or Oracle, and a graphical user interface written in English, since their clients are anywhere in the world.

see also


Apache Derby, a relational database management system, previously marketed as Cloudscape

Crystal Decisions

The company's structure reflected its heritage, with OLAP technologies being developed out of the former Holistic Systems R&D site in Ipswich, Suffolk, England and Relational Database technologies being developed out of the former Crystal Services R&D centre in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.


IBM DB2, in computing, a relational database management system, more recently called a "data server" by IBM

Dynamic set

Dynaset- A data structure frequently used in relational database access

Electronic discovery

The most common are Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS) that are capable of handling large volumes of data such as Oracle, IBM DB2, Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase, and Teradata.

Impedance mismatch

Object-relational impedance mismatch, a set of conceptual and technical difficulties that are often encountered when a relational database management system is being used by a program written in an object-oriented programming language or style

Kevin P. Ryan

MongoDB: develops and supports the open source, non-relational database MongoDB.


Eliminating the relational Join operations inherent in a relational database gives Objectivity/DB a marked performance advantage.

Versant Corporation

In late 2012, after rejecting an offer by Unicom Systems Inc., Versant Corporation announced it was being acquired by Actian Corporation, the commercial developer of Ingres and the relational database, Vectorwise.

Web template system

With the model typically held in a relational database, the remaining components of the MVC architecture are the control and view.