
6 unusual facts about Database transaction


Demarcation transactions, starting and ending transactions using begin, commit, and rollback methods

DNS zone transfer

DNS zone transfer, also sometimes known by the inducing DNS query type AXFR, is a type of DNS transaction.

General Comprehensive Operating System

An early attempt at TP for GCOS 3, the Transaction Processing Executive, assumed that, as in Unix, a new process should be started to handle each transaction, and enjoyed only very limited success.

Oracle Database

In addition to storage, the database consists of online redo logs (or logs), which hold transactional history.

Transactional database

Database transaction - a transactional database could be one that is ACID-compliant for each database transaction

X/Open XA

XA stands for "eXtended Architecture" and is an X/Open group standard for executing a "global transaction" that accesses more than one back-end data-store.

see also

Enterprise database management

Atomicity or Consistency in software, in a database transaction, either all or none of the update becomes available to anyone beyond the user or the application performing the update.