
2 unusual facts about Rely


Its surrounded by the common Westrehem, Rely and Auchy-au-Bois, Ligny-lès-Aire is located 17 km northwest of the Bruay Buissière the largest city nearby.

Rely, Pas-de-Calais

Many villages on or near this Brunehaut road have the same origins, such as Blessy, Estrée-Blanche, Ligny, Auchy-au-Bois and Ferfay.


Rely |

ADE classification

Arnold terms these "trinities" to evoke religion, and suggest that (currently) these parallels rely more on faith than on rigorous proof, though some parallels are elaborated.

Advanced Access Content System

Some sites that rely on user-submitted content, like Digg and Wikipedia, tried to remove any mentions of the key.

Around the World for Free

They travel with one cameraman Zsolt Luka and rely on local guides and inhabitants for basic needs.


CacheFly was the first company to offer CDN service that rely solely on TCP Anycast for routing, rather than DNS based global load balancing.

Christ and Satan

Unlike the poems in Book I of the Junius manuscript, which rely on Old Testament themes, Christ and Satan encompasses all of biblical history, linking both the Old Testament and New Testament, and expounding upon a number of conflicts between Christ and Satan.

Configuration management database

Semantic data models typically rely on the resource description framework and use a model that simply relates any thing to any other thing through the use of a relationship descriptor, giving context to how things are related to each other.

Crowd computing

Major sites like Facebook and Twitter rely on the crowd to power the translation that spreads their service around the globe.

Dosso Kingdom

The city of Dosso also retains an important place, with a large population of aristocratic class Djerma who rely on the patronage of the Zarmakoy, as the more traditional ruling class reject modern careers.

Durham Statement on Open Access to Legal Scholarship

The Durham Statement on Open Access to Legal Scholarship calls for all law schools to stop publishing their law journals in print format and to rely instead on open access electronic publication coupled with a commitment to keep the electronic versions available in stable, open, digital formats.

Dynamic stochastic general equilibrium

Willem Buiter of the London School of Economics has argued that DSGE models rely excessively on an assumption of complete markets, and are unable to describe the highly nonlinear dynamics of economic fluctuations, making training in 'state-of-the-art' macroeconomic modeling "a privately and socially costly waste of time and resources".

Equisetum giganteum

It is one of the largest horsetails, growing 2–5 m tall, exceeded only by the closely allied E. myriochaetum (which can achieve stem heights of 8 m, although such plants rely on surrounding herbage for support).

Euler diagram

Thus the matter would rest until 1952 when Maurice Karnaugh (1924– ) would adapt and expand a method proposed by Edward W. Veitch; this work would rely on the truth table method precisely defined in Emil Post's 1921 PhD thesis "Introduction to a general theory of elementary propositions" and the application of propositional logic to switching logic by (among others) Claude Shannon, George Stibitz, and Alan Turing.

Figure skating at the Olympic Games

Some countries rely on the results of their national championships while others have more varied criteria based on international success at competitions such as the European Figure Skating Championships and the Four Continents Figure Skating Championships.

Hexen: Beyond Heretic

Whereas Doom, Doom II, and Heretic rely on lines within the maps to perform simple actions, Hexen also allows these actions to be activated via Action Code Script (ACS).


The Husaberg team tried to compensate for their lack of funds by their courage to rely on technical innovations and could never afford to hire established professional riders but rather ambitious rookies such as Joël Smets, Jimmie Eriksson, Walter Bartolini, Kent Karlsson, Anders Eriksson, Jaroslav Katriňák, Mike Tosswill and Peter Jansson.

Illegality in English law

The plaintiff was ultimately successful in Tinsley v Milligan in the House of Lords, which allowed the claim on the grounds that the plaintiff did not need to rely on the illegality.

Intermountain Healthcare

Life Flight can can provide a medical control physician 24/7 so it staff does not have to rely solely on standing orders or protocols, as do many other similar air medical services.

John Naish

Naish is credited with having suggested that magistrates in their ongoing struggle with the Irish National Land League, should rely on an obscure medieval statute, 34 Edward III c.1, to imprison those who could not find sureties for their good behaviour.

Juan Negrín

Negrín relied on the Communists to curtail the Anarchist wing of the Spanish Left, and was forced to rely on the Soviet Union, then led by Joseph Stalin, for weapons and armament, because of the arms embargo imposed by the Non-Intervention Committee.

Juniperus virginiana

Many grasses are C4 plants that concentrate CO2 levels in their bundle sheaths to increase the efficiency of RuBisCO, the enzyme responsible for photosynthesis, while Junipers are C3 plants that rely on (and may benefit from) the natural CO2 concentrations of the environment, although they are less efficient at fixing CO2 in general.

La Década Perdida

After the petroleum boom previous to the government of Mexican president José López Portillo (from 1976 to 1982), Mexican government began to rely heavily on export barrels to support the financial needs in the country.

Legyi, Myinmu

It is located southeast of Paukka and not far from the banks of the Irrawaddy River which the villagers rely on for their paddy fields which lie to the west of the village.

Leigh Creek, South Australia

The premier Thomas Playford saw the need to be seen not to rely on interstate energy if he was to attract business to South Australia.

Letlapa Mphahlele

Ignored by the PAC and forced to rely upon African National Congress members for food and supplies, he embarked on a hunger strike and was visited by then PAC-president Zephania Mothopeng.


Shorebirds and Passerines are two of the most speciose groups of birds that rely heavily on the presence of surface swarming Arthropods.

Mensch Computer

Much software originally written for other computer systems which use the 65816 or 6502 instruction sets (such as the Nintendo Entertainment System, Super Nintendo, or Apple IIgs, among others) can be run on the Mensch Computer (either directly as binary object code or through reassembling the software source code), to the extent that such software does not rely on hardware configurations which differ from the Mensch Computer.

Mike Gersher

He had to rely heavily on assistants, notably future head Blondie artist Denis Lebrun, who was soon brought in to ink backgrounds and improve the lettering.


Esther Meek, following Frame's model closely, calls these perspectives the rules, the self, and the world, and emphasizing the existential perspective, she states, "Knowing is the responsible human struggle to rely on clues to focus on a coherent pattern and submit to its reality" (LTK, 1).


Transmission Substation - Due to Human faction's structure must rely on power grid in limited areas, players can build Transmission Substations to extend power grid to your faraway base.

Philip Cezar

He is the premier example of a power forward with finesse unlike the power forwards of today like Eric Menk and Danny Ildefonso, and much earlier, Alvin Patrimonio and Nelson Asaytono, who rely primarily on sheer power and brute strength.

Pronunciation Lexicon Specification

For ASR systems it is common to rely on multiple pronunciations of the same word or phrase in order to cope with variations of pronunciation within a language.

Proposal for the Province of Toronto

Glen Murray has stated that Canadian cities must rely on property taxes, as they have no ability to enact other taxes or collect income or consumption taxes.

Rae Assist

Together with Clement Mok they founded NetObjects, Inc. in 1995 to market one of the first web site building tools, NetObjects Fusion, which also should rely on the SOLO framework.

Reformed Mennonite

They have no church rules, but they rely solely on the Bible as their guide.

Rely on Your Beliefs Fund

The Rely on Your Beliefs Fund (ROYB Fund) is an American Political Action Committee associated with Rep. Roy Blunt.

Salmon shark

Their homeothermy may also rely on SERCA2 and Ryanodine receptor 2 protein expression, which may have a cardioprotective effect.

Saudi Arabia–United States relations

Instead, the Nixon administration sought to rely on local allies to "police" American interests (see Nixon Doctrine).

Shripat Pimpri

But most of the villagers rely on hospitals located in Barshi where state-of-art healthcare system is available with a cancer hospital funded by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and linked with Tata Memorial Centre.

Solo diving

Others, such as underwater photographers and videographers, dive solo as this allows them a greater opportunity to focus on capturing selected images and not having to rely on buddies to remain close at hand.


Contract management may rely on code analysis to define levels of quality between contractors: e.g. cloning ratio, complexity of functions, specific ratings.

Stewart Island / Rakiura

Oban has a fully functional phone and broadband (ADSL), but cellphone coverage is limited to Telecom's XT/3G network and all these services rely upon a radio link to Bluff, so broadband speeds are limited.

Stock tank

These tanks are filled either by a pump, windmill, creek, spring, or even rely on runoff water from rain or melting snow.


Some beverage products such as ales and stouts, e.g. Guinness, rely on this effect to produce the 'head' on the surface of the poured product.


In April 1992, Swindell's employer went out of business and he began to rely exclusively on commercial sales of Synchronet for his livelihood, placing advertisements in the BBS-related magazines Boardwatch and BBS Callers Digest.


Many media and entertainment companies such as CBS, BBC, CNN, Fox, CBC, Comcast, DirecTV, Time Warner, MTV, Discovery, and Lifetime, as well as a number of users in a broad range of business environments, rely on Telestream products to streamline operations, reach broader audiences and generate more revenue from their media.

Tokyo Xtreme Racer: Drift 2

The game is about touge racing, which rely on drift skills made popular in the western culture during the 2000s by Initial D, and is divided in daytime and nighttime.

Twm Siôn Cati

He was supposedly a Protestant by faith at a time when Mary I of England, a Catholic monarch, ruled and he had to gain an income as best he could, choosing robbery as his trade as his religion had him marked out as a rebel already and his high status meant that he could rely on any advantage or protection from others.

Ukridge Rounds a Nasty Corner

Millie and Ukridge would later marry, and on occasion rely on Lady Elizabeth to pull them out of hot water, as in Love Among the Chickens (1913).

Zone run

Most NFL and Division I NCAA football teams that rely on running the ball now use zone blocking schemes.

see also