
unusual facts about Renault Trucks


Just across the canal from Hérouville is a Renault Trucks manufacturing plant, which is situated between the canal and the Orne River.

City Airline

On 10 September 2001, it started its own regional services from Gothenburg, much of which correspond to the needs of large companies based in Gothenburg, most notably Volvo Cars with its links to Birmingham (Jaguar Cars), Volvo Trucks with links to Lyon (Renault Trucks) and AstraZeneca with links to Manchester Airport.

Maudslay Motor Company

During the 1990s brakes and axles for automotive manufactures like Volvo and Renault heavy vehicles were produced there, and ArvinMeritor, the company that once owned the Castle Maudslay site, maintains a small office and manufacturing facility there to this day (correct September 2009).

see also


The company has an automotive dealership arrangement with auto manufacturers in the US, Japan, Europe and China that include the likes of automotive giants Nissan Motors (Nissan, Infiniti), GM vehicles (GMC), Renault trucks, Nissan Diesel (UD) and FAW trucks.