The band confirmed in early 2010 that Jacqui Vixen had been forced to quit playing the bass due to an RSI Repetitive strain injury she had been suffering from for some time.
Founded by John Elias and Wayne Westerman of the University of Delaware in 1998, it produced a line of multi-touch products including the iGesture Pad and the TouchStream keyboard, which were particularly helpful for people suffering from RSI and other medical conditions.
This key arrangement was ergonomically designed to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome and other repetitive strain injuries associated with typing for long periods of time.
The Andromeda Strain | Traumatic brain injury | traumatic brain injury | The Andromeda Strain (film) | Head injury | Traumatic Brain Injury | Repetitive strain injury | Anterior cruciate ligament injury | spinal cord injury | Isaac Strain | Strain energy | strain energy | Spinal cord injury | National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act | National Center for Injury Prevention and Control | Lisfranc injury | Julie Strain | Journal of Injury and Violence Research | Jeff Strain | Injury prevention | Head Injury | eye injury | Defense Centers of Excellence for Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury | Christina Strain | Avulsion injury | Acquired brain injury |