
7 unusual facts about Research Triangle Park

Charles Meeker

In his five terms as mayor and during previous service on the Raleigh City Council (1985–89 and 1991–95), Meeker, living and raising his family in Boylan Heights, has notably advocated downtown redevelopment and the creation of a light rail system connecting Raleigh to Durham, Research Triangle Park, and Chapel Hill under the auspices of the Triangle Transit Authority.

Craig Mundie

SEC was subsequently acquired by Data General Corporation, where Mundie later became director of its advanced development facility in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina.

Jean Calvignac

In 1998, at the IBM Laboratory in the Research Triangle Park, Calvignac and his team initiated the IBM network processor activities.

North Carolina Railroad

In May 2006, a new bridge over Highway 54 in Research Triangle Park was completed to replace the old single track bridge that had substandard clearance and, because of its narrowness, caused a significant bottleneck on Highway 54.

North Johnston High School

The development of local industry and the opportunities of the Research Triangle Park and Wake County have begun to influence the economic base and have increased more of an awareness of the importance of parental involvement in education.

Sophie de Schaepdrijver

She left for the United States in 1995, where from 1995 until 1996, she was a fellow at the National Humanities Center, Research Triangle Park, N.C. .

Stiefel Laboratories

Stiefel, a GSK company, is a global dermatological pharmaceutical company, with its global headquarters in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina.

Bell-Northern Research

At its zenith in the early 1980s, when it opened R&D centers in Mountain View, and later in Research Triangle Park and Richardson, Texas, BNR's notable American employees included Whitfield Diffie, a noted authority on cryptography, and Bob Gaskins, who invented PowerPoint at BNR, using new bit-mapped displays to make presentations to management.

Charles Frankel

In 1978 Frankel became the first president and founding director of the National Humanities Center in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina.


Their main development centers were situated in Lund, Sweden and with other three developments centers in Basingstoke (UK) and Research Triangle Park, North Carolina (US), and Nuremberg (Germany).

see also