Hickerson worked to obtain construction of a highway rest area outside Texarkana for the benefit of eastbound travelers.
local government area | San Francisco Bay Area | Important Bird Area | Unincorporated area | Greater Toronto Area | Urban area | metropolitan area | New York metropolitan area | Bay Area Rapid Transit | urban area | European Economic Area | Area 51 | REST | Greater Los Angeles Area | Chicago metropolitan area | South Pacific Area | Schengen Area | American Viticultural Area | Wide Area Augmentation System | Special Protection Area | Local area network | local area network | Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area | Billings Metropolitan Area | San Francisco Bay area | Rest in Sleaze | Portland metropolitan area | Local Government Area | Free Trade Area of the Americas | Elizabethtown metropolitan area |
There are motorists' services by the roundabout including the Chiverton Arms pub (illustrated right), a Starbucks coffee shop (formerly a Little Chef restaurant) and two filling stations.
The settlement was serving now as a rest area for merchants traveling to and from the nearby fluvial port town of Gamarra and Ocaña (present-day Department of North Santander).
This rest area, which is designed to mimic an early 1900s era train depot and roundhouse, was voted one of the most beautiful buildings in Utah in a contest sponsored by the American Institute of Architects.
Though not a destination in its own right, Vidal Junction is a frequently used rest area and "jumping off" point for travelers headed to Colorado River resort towns such as Lake Havasu and Laughlin, Nevada.