
unusual facts about Retransmission


Retransmission consent, permission for a cable or satellite company to carry a TV station

ABC Great Southern

It was originally built solely as a retransmission facility, relaying 6WF from Perth to the greater southwest area of the state.

BBC Prime

This prompted GBC in Gibraltar to end terrestrial retransmission of BBC Prime in 1999.

Juliette Dodu

Guy Breton also lays out the inconsistencies of this eventful narrative; among others, that the Prussians had already quit Pithiviers three weeks before the related deeds, and the impossibility of collecting by sound a cipher message in German and passing the retransmission in Morse afterwards without error.

Supercomputing and Visualization Center of Madrid

For example, it collaborates in the retransmission of a Solar eclipse from Novosibirsk, Russia.


TVCatchup retransmits free-to-air channels over the Internet on the basis of section 73 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 (CDPA 1988), which allows for the retransmission of 'qualifying services'.

see also