Retransmission consent, permission for a cable or satellite company to carry a TV station
retransmission consent | Age of Consent (film) | Age of Consent | Age of consent | age of consent | without the owner's consent | Retransmission consent | Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media | Legislative Consent Motion | Informed consent | informed consent | Consent to Treatment |
Local programming TV stations in an area can sign-up or even be required to be carried on cable, but content providers like TLC cannot.
The move came after Nexstar was stripped of its Fox affiliations for WTVW in Evansville, WFFT-TV in Fort Wayne and KSFX-TV in Springfield, Missouri following a dispute between Nexstar and Fox during affiliation renewal negotiations over the amount of local stations' retransmission consent fees that Fox demanded the stations share with the network.