
unusual facts about Revolutionary

1971 NSWRFL season

Under the guidance of revolutionary head-coach Jack Gibson who was in 1971 beginning to embrace the attitude and training methods used in the United States' National Football League, St. George in 1971 had reached the Grand Final in all three grades.

4e régiment de hussards

The Hussards de Saxe, the original 4th Hussar Regiment, removed from the French regimental list after they defected to the counter-revolutionary forces

Abbas Yari

He is one of the three founders of FILM Monthly, the oldest post-revolutionary film magazine in Iran (founded in 1982 with Massoud Mehrabi and Houshang Golmakani).

Andrew Jackson Merchant

He was the grandson of Truman Merchant, a Revolutionary War soldier and cousin of Vice-President Aaron Burr, and was descended from Captain John Marchant, who died along with Sir Francis Drake in his 1595 campaign.

Angelica Schuyler Church

She also befriended and sponsored emigre American painter John Trumbull, who went on to create some of the most famous paintings of the Revolutionary War era.

Anna Larina

Born in 1914, Anna Larina grew up amongst professional revolutionaries who stood at the head of the new Soviet Union.

Armand-Emmanuel de Vignerot du Plessis, Duc de Richelieu

After a short stay in Austria, however, Richelieu joined the counter-revolutionary émigré army of Louis XVI's cousin, the Prince de Condé, which was headquartered in the German frontier town of Coblenz.

Australian Communist Party v Commonwealth

"(b) summarised the case against the Communist Party by reference to its objectives and activities: it was said to engage in activities designed, in accordance with 'the basic theory of communism, as expounded by Marx and Lenin', to create a 'revolutionary situation' enabling it 'to seize power and establish a dictatorship of the proletariat.'

Chilean torpedo gunboat Almirante Lynch

Early in April a portion of the revolutionary squadron, comprising the Blanco Encalada and other ships, was sent southward for reconnoitring purposes and put into the port of Caldera.

Clover Forest Plantation

Clover Forest Plantation, located in Goochland, Virginia between Richmond and Charlottesville, is an authentically restored James River estate consisting of terraced landscaped grounds, a private lake, and a Federal-style mansion with portions dating back to pre-revolutionary America.

Desperados 2: Cooper's Revenge

While Cooper and his team are forced to perform the tasks, they discover that they - as is Mrs. Goodman - are mere pawns for a more dastardly plot: the Mexican revolutionary El Cortador's plan to assassinate the President of the United States!

Edgardo Enríquez

He married the lawyer Raquel Espinoza Townsend with whom he had four children: his youngest child Miguel Enríquez (1944–1974) followed him into the field of medicine and became the legendary revolutionary figure who founded the MIR and headed the resistance against the Pinochet dictatorship.

Edwin Atherton

His service in the BOI (later FBI) was notable for his having worked on the 1924 capture of a neo-revolutionary army of Mexican nationals under the leadership of General Enrique Estrada at Engineer Springs on the California border.

Felipe Pazos

Felipe Pazos (September 27, 1912 – February 26, 2001) was a Cuban economist who initially supported the Cuban Revolution of Fidel Castro, but became disillusioned with the increasingly radical nature of the revolutionary government.


Fidel Castro (born 1926), Cuban communist revolutionary and politician

François Dominique de Reynaud, Comte de Montlosier

In September 1791, after the dissolution of the Assembly, Montlosier fled to Germany where he tried to join the counter-revolutionary Army of Condé at Coblenz.

Hans Rotmo

He was a supporter of the revolutionary communist movement AKP(m-l) in his younger years, and many of the lyrics of his songs, especially those from the Vømmøl period, are influenced by the thoughts of Mao Zedong and Karl Marx, although the surface content of most of these songs concern the population of rural Norway, the industrial progress that followed World War II, and the effects of the latter on the former.

Hernando Calvo Ospina

As a journalist he has also interviewed several Colombian Guerrilla leaders such as Raul Reyes (†) from FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombian) and Manuel Perez Martinez (†) head of ELN (National Liberation Army).


The scenic Lake Honghu was the centerpiece of a revolutionary opera: "The Red Guards on Honghu Lake" (洪湖赤卫队) which was based on a true story about the Red Army and its struggle with the Kuomintang (KMT) in the Chinese Civil War.


Peter Horry, American Revolutionary War leader and Horry County namesake

Imperial Glory

Imperial Glory is set in the Revolutionary and Napoleonic era, between 1789 and 1815, and allows the player to choose one of the great empires of the age–Great Britain, France, Austria, Russia or Prussia–on their quest of conquering Europe, North Africa and the Middle East.

Internet in Cuba

According to Boris Moreno Cordoves, Deputy Minister of Informatics and Communications, the Torricelli Act (part of the United States embargo against Cuba) identified the telecommunications sector as a tool for subversion of the 1959 Cuban Revolution, and the necessary technology has been conditioned by counter-revolutionaries, but is also seen as essential for Cuba’s economic development.

Ipe Salvador

Felipe Salvador, Filipino revolutionary during the American occupation of the Philippines

Isaac Yakovlevich Pavlovsky

Isaac Yakovlevich Pavlovsky was born in 1853 in the city of Taganrog, friend of Anton Chekhov, studied at Taganrog's Boys Gymnasium, was an activist at the Taganrog revolutionary circle and was arrested and tried at the so-called Trial of the 193.

Jesup North Pacific Expedition

Waldemar Bogoras was an exiled Russian revolutionary; ethnographic and linguistic fieldwork with the Chukchi and Siberian Yupik peoples of the western side of the Bering Strait.

Joyous Entry of 1356

This Joyous Entry charter was declared null and void when the Revolutionary French forces took possession of the Austrian Netherlands in 1794.

Larry Catá Backer

“The CCP was not merely a vanguard party, but for a long time a revolutionary party. Even after the end of the civil war, the CCP continued to think of itself as outside the apparatus.” Therefore, in terms of the relationship between the CCP and the state, there was a lengthy process of internalization where the Party as an outsider became internalized into the state through its Mass Line.

Leó Frankel

Leó Frankel (Léo Fränkel) (February 25, 1844, Újlak – March 29, 1896, Paris) was a Communist revolutionary of Hungarian and Jewish origin.

Liebknecht Range

It was remapped by the Soviet Antarctic Expedition, 1960–61, and named after the German revolutionary Karl Liebknecht.

Lucien Millevoye

Lucien Millevoye (1 August 1850 – 25 March 1918) was a French journalist and right-wing politician, now best known for his relationship with the Irish revolutionary and muse of W.B. Yeats, Maud Gonne.

Ludwig von Wohlgemuth

During the revolutionary year of 1848, Wohlgemuth distinguished himself during the Five Days of Milan, and covered Radetzkys retreat, and took position at Goito.

Mike Mulkay

Between the scientific positivism of Karl Popper and the revolutionary perspective of the Kuhnian school, Mulkay probably stands on a slightly left ground, follows Robert Merton who has been known partially as the predecessor of Sociology of Scientific Knowledge.

Mogus Wolde Mikael

If it was not clear by this point to Mengistu that he was being squeezed out of power, after a mass rally in Revolution Square in Addis Ababa (better known by its older name, Meskel Square, which was later restored after Mengistu's fall), when General Tafari Benti gave a speech for reconciliation between the various revolutionary factions, he was flanked by Captains Almayahu Haile and Mogus.

Newtown, New York

An old name for Elmira, New York, location of the Battle of Newtown, the only major battle of the Sullivan Expedition during the American Revolutionary War.

November 1918 in Alsace-Lorraine

In the wake of the German Revolution, Marxist councils of workers and soldiers (Soldaten und Arbeiterräte) formed in Mulhouse on November 9 and in Colmar and Strasbourg on November 10, in parallel to other such bodies set up in the general revolutionary atmosphere of the expiring Reich and in imitation of the Russian equivalent soviets.

Preston City, Connecticut

The "Mott and Downer House", a five-bay colonial house, are both on Amos Road and were both built before the American Revolutionary War.

Quebec, The Revolutionary Age 1760–1791

Quebec, The Revolutionary Age 1760–1791 is a book (ISBN 0-7710-6658-9) by Canadian historian Dr. Hilda Neatby published in 1966 in both the French and English languages as part of The Canadian Centenary Series.

Rockwell-MBB X-31

This revolutionary maneuver has been called the "Herbst maneuver" after Dr. Wolfgang Herbst, an MBB employee and proponent of using post-stall flight in air-to-air combat.

Sam Fisher

Samuel Rowland Fisher (1745 – 1834), Philadelphia merchant in Revolutionary times

Seumas Milne

Milne described the restoration of the sight of Mario Terán, the former Bolivian sergeant who killed Che Guevara, by Cuban doctors "paid for by revolutionary Venezuela in the radicalised Bolivia of Evo Morales", one of "1.4 million free eye operations carried out by Cuban doctors in 33 countries across Latin America, the Caribbean and Africa", as "an emblem both of the humanity of Fidel Castro and Guevara's legacy" and the transformation of Latin America.

Sitotroga cerealella

Its common name refers to Angoumois, the pre-revolutionary province of France from which it was first scientifically described by G.-A. Olivier in 1789.

Solomon Stratton

In 1771, as a member of the Virginia militia he fought in the Battle of Alamance in 1771, was a veteran of the Revolutionary War and George Rogers Clark's 1778 expedition to Illinois in which Fort Kaskaskia was captured from the British.

Sri Palee College

Inspired by Guru Dev Rabindranath Tagore a great writer, artist and an educationist of India, and his famous university at Shanthi Niketan later called Visva Bharathi University, Mr. Wilmot A. Perera, a prominent revolutionary educationist and a politician of Sri Lanka, decided to establish a similar institution in Ceylon, and invited Gurudev Tagore to lay the foundation stone for this institution, which Tagore named Sri Palee (place where the goddess of fine arts lives).


Keith Stansell, American who was held hostage by the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia during 2003–2008

The Antelope

John Smith was first mate on the Columbia, later renamed Arraganta, when it sailed from Baltimore, Maryland under a letter of marque issued by the Uruguayan revolutionary José Gervasio Artigas.

The Army of the Republic

Cohen draws heavily on his knowledge of South American revolutionary movements such as the Montoneros and the People's Revolutionary Army groups active in the 1970s.

Vanguarda Armada Revolucionária Palmares

As historian and former MR-8 militant Daniel Aarão Reis Filho declared to journalist Elio Gaspari, "as part of the radicalization process initiated on 1961, the project of the leftist organizations that supported the armed struggle was revolutionary, abusive and dictatorial (...) There is not even one document of those organizations in which they present themselves as a tool of democratic resistance".

William Bowie

Captain William Bowie (1721-?), early colonist in the Province of Maryland, American Revolutionary, member of the Assembly of Freemen and a delegate to the Annapolis Convention

Yolanda Blanco

Penqueo en Nicaragua was written during the revolutionary fight of the Nicaraguan people that put an end to the regime of Anastasio Somoza.


Sun Yat-sen (Chinese name: 孫中山 Sūn Zhōngshān) (1866–1925), a Chinese revolutionary and political leader

see also