
2 unusual facts about Marxism-Leninism

György Cziffra, Jr.

He nearly died as a child during imprisonment with his family when his father, famous pianist Georges Cziffra who had served in the Hungarian during World War II, was arrested for political reasons by communist authorities after World War II.


However, that was followed by a brief Allied military intervention by the United Kingdom, the United States, France, Italy, Japan and others against the Bolsheviks.

Alexandru Sahia

Surprisingly, he used this period of relative isolation to become acquainted with Marxism, which he found to be "the righteous sense of a great life".

Arab Nationalist Movement

However, another faction moved towards Marxism, including Habash and Nayef Hawatmeh, which brought them into conflict with Nasser and increasingly led them to place a heavier emphasis on socialism than pan-Arab nationalism.

Arthur Ewert

In addition to socialist politics, Ewert's sister introduced him to a friend from work, the Polish-born Elise Szaborowski — known to her friends as "Szabo" — who was herself a committed Marxist.

Atterdag Wermelin

Atterdag Wermelin (1861 – 1904) was a Swedish revolutionary socialist, writer and poet, a pioneer of the labor movement, who, together with August Palm, introduced Marxism to Sweden in the 1880s.

Australian Communist Party v Commonwealth

"(b) summarised the case against the Communist Party by reference to its objectives and activities: it was said to engage in activities designed, in accordance with 'the basic theory of communism, as expounded by Marx and Lenin', to create a 'revolutionary situation' enabling it 'to seize power and establish a dictatorship of the proletariat.'

Bob Jessop

This means that the state is not something with an essential, fixed property such as a neutral coordinator of different social interests, an autonomous corporate actor with its own bureaucratic goals and interests, or the 'executive committee of the bourgeoisie' as often described by pluralists, elitists/statists and conventional marxists respectively.

British Guiana general election, 1953

The British colonial authorities sent in troops in response to the alleged threat of a Marxist revolution.

Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism

Named after the Committees of Correspondence formed during the American Revolution, the group criticized the leadership of CPUSA president Gus Hall and argued that, in light of the dissolution of the Soviet Union since 1989, the party should reject Leninism and adopt a more moderate democratic socialist orientation.

Communism in Poland

There were also repeated attempts by some Polish academics and philosophers, like Leszek Kołakowski, Tadeusz Kotarbiński, Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz and Stanisław Ossowski to develop, as a slowly eroding opposition, a specific form of Polish Marxism.


They included a "national" state (i.e. for the benefit of all social classes, rather than the existing "bourgeois" state or the Marxist proletarian state) with a strong, authoritarian leader.

Frank Parkin

Dennis Wrong called it a 'bitingly witty and incisive assault on the sociological pretensions of western academic Marxism'.

Georgi Dimitrov

A massive painted statue of Dimitrov survives in the centre of Place Bulgarie in Cotonou, Republic of Benin, two decades after the country abandoned Marxism-Leninism and the colossal statue of Vladimir Lenin was removed from Place Lenine.

Gheorghe Cristescu

After creating his own minor grouping, the Socialist Party of Workers (later known as Independent Socialist Party), in 1928, Cristescu joined the minor and Unitary Socialist Party in 1932 (a Marxist group led by Leon Ghelerter, Ștefan Voitec, and Constantin Popovici, it eventually dissolved itself under pressure from the Communist Party in 1944).

Hassan Rahimpour Azghadi

Some of the subjects he addresses are notably that of the Islamic Hijab (veil), Westoxification, American hegemony, Communism, Christianity, Hezbollah, Jihad, Ayatollah Khomeini, Freedom, Marxism, Western moral corruption, nuclear energy, Shi'a Islam, Israel, Aristotle and Plato, Liberal Democracy, Islamic economics, political Islam but also youth affairs and social struggle.

Historical materialism

Göran Therborn has argued that the method of historical materialism should be applied to historical materialism as intellectual tradition, and to the history of Marxism itself.

Institute for Christian Studies

Surviving through a number of difficult financial years, ICS revised its organizational model more on the lines of the Frankfurt School, a research and teaching center in Germany devoted to Neo-Marxism, that was home to a string of illustrious philosophers Walter Benjamin, Theodor Adorno, Herbert Marcuse and today Jürgen Habermas.

International Conference of Marxist–Leninist Parties and Organizations

International Conference of Marxist–Leninist Parties and Organizations (International Newsletter): A grouping of parties and organizations adhering to Marxism-Leninism-Mao Zedong Thought.

Ivane Javakhishvili

In 1919, Javakhishvili succeeded the noted chemist Petre Melikishvili as the second rector of the university: he served until June 1926, when, in the aftermath of anti-Soviet August Uprising of 1924, tolerance of non-Marxist intellectuals began to contract.

James Hayden Tufts

Tufts believed in a conception of mutual influences which he saw as opposed in both Marxism & idealism.

Juan José Arévalo

Arévalo opposed classical Marxism’s materialist tendency and affirmed that, “Communism is contrary to human nature, for it is contrary to the psychology of man”.

K. Ajitha

Ajitha was indoctrinated to Marxism at a very young age through her parents to Kunnikal Narayanan and Mandakini, who were both its prominent supporters .

Karl Marlo

In his book Marxism: An Historical and Critical Study, the historian George Lichtheim (1912–1973) describes Karl Marlo as "an utopian socialist".

Left School

Theoretic foundations of the Left School combined elements of classic Marxism, Leninism, Trotskyism, and French atheist existentialism (primarily, Jean-Paul Sartre, Albert Camus and Antoine de Saint-Exupéry).

Leo Kofler

Kofler had his own, distinctive interpretation of Marxism, which connected sociology and history with aesthetics and anthropology.

Li Shicen

This conversion from neo-romanticism to Marxism was seen as a signal event at the time, and was a harbinger of many that were follow.

Ljubljana school of psychoanalysis

The main goal of the Ljubljana School was to re-interpret Marxism by emphasizing the rootedness of Karl Marx's thought in the tradition of German idealism.

MacGregor Knox

He rejects Marxist views that Fascism and National Socialism were agents of, or represented the interests of, capitalism or big business, and he is highly critical of both the Italian Socialist Party and the Communist Party of Germany, whose revolutionary rhetoric, he argues, provoked middle-class support for Fascism and National Socialism.

Man on a Tightrope

Cernik is interrogated at the headquarters of the S.N.B. state security in Pilzen on why he is not performing the Marxist propaganda acts dictated by the government.

Marxism and the National Question

"Marxism and the National Question" (Russian:Марксизм и национальный вопрос) is an article written by Joseph Stalin at the end of 1912–1913 in Vienna, at the insistence of Lenin.

Mick Hume

Mick Hume was the editor of LM Magazine (which he launched, originally as Living Marxism, in 1988) until it was forced to close in 2000 after losing a libel suit brought by ITN over claims that the magazine had made concerning ITN's reporting of Bosnia's Trnopolje camp.

Miguel Figueroa

Under the leadership of general secretary George Hewison (1988–92), the leadership of the CPC and a segment of its general membership began to abandon Marxism-Leninism as the basis of the Party's revolutionary perspective, and ultimately moved to liquidate the Party itself, seeking to replace it with a left, social democratic entity.

Mohammed Eeza

By that time Eeza had developed an interest in Marxism (not of the Stalinist doctrinnaire variety) and even worked with the KSP (and subsequently the RSP) for a while.

Moscow 2042

The ideology has changed somewhat, into a hodgepodge of Marxism-Leninism and Russian Orthodoxy (Genialissimo himself is also Patriarch).


In his view, the marketplace of ideas is full of worldviews competing for the allegiance of each individual, and for some people, final allegiance to a system is due to sense experience, emotions, or political affiliation, while for others it is their particular religious tradition (Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Bahá'í Faith, etc.) or secular philosophy (empiricism, rationalism, Marxism, postmodernism, etc.).

New World Resource Center

NWRC carries a variety of publications and books which pertain to such issues as Anarchism, Socialism, Marxism, left political theory, labor, anti-racism, African-American, feminism, environmentalism, human rights, international history/current events, media, education, Chicago left history, surrealism, the arts, and other related topics.

Open Marxism

In the 1970s and 1980s, 'state-derivationist' debates around the separation of 'the economic' and 'the political' under capitalism unfolded in the San Francisco-based working group Kapitalistate and the Conference of Socialist Economists journal Capital & Class, involving many of the theorists of Open Marxism and significantly influencing its theoretical development.

Paul Mattick

Paul Mattick died in February 1981 leaving an almost finished manuscript for another book, which was later edited and published by his son, Paul Mattick Jr., as Marxism - Last Refuge of the Bourgeoisie?.

Philosophy in the Soviet Union

Lenin's most important philosophical rival was Alexander Bogdanov (1873-1928), who tried to synthesize Marxism with the philosophies of Ernst Mach, Wilhelm Ostwald, and Richard Avenarius (which were violently criticized in Materialism and Empiriocriticism).

Plebs' League

Central to the formation of the League was Noah Ablett, a miner from the Rhondda who was at the core of a group at Ruskin College, Oxford who opposed the lecturers' opposition to Marxism.

Political organizations and Armed forces in Vietnam

League for the National Union of Vietnam (Hội Liên hiệp quốc dân Việt Nam/Liên Việt), 1946–51, led by Bùi Bằng Đoàn (1889–1955), Huỳnh Thúc Kháng, Tôn Đức Thắng, included: Viet Minh, Democratic Party of Vietnam, Socialist Party of Vietnam, Marxism Research Association, Vietnam Nationalist Party and Vietnam Revolutionary League (since August 1946, minor group in Vietnam Nationalist Party and Vietnam Revolutionary League)...

Pradip Basu

He specializes in postmodernism and the Naxalite movement, and was actively involved in Naxalite politics during 1974-1981, but gradually became critical of Naxalism and orthodox Marxism, and became interested in western Marxism, and the works of Antonio Gramsci, Louis Althusser, and the Frankfurt School.

Preussentum und Sozialismus

Spengler utilized the anti-English ideas addressed by Johann Plenge and Werner Sombart during World War I that condemned English liberalism and English parliamentarianism while advocating a national socialism that was free from Marxism that would connect the individual to the state through corporative organization.

S. A. Wickramasinghe

It was during this period that he first met and began to work with the leaders of the future Left movement such as N. M. Perera, Colvin R. de Silva, Leslie Goonewardene, who were also studying in London and fellow-students of Marxism.

Samir Amin

Arriving in Paris, Amin joined the French Communist Party (PCF), but he later distanced himself from Soviet Marxism and associated himself for some time with Maoist circles.

Transgressions: A Journal of Urban Exploration

A more playful and sensuous direction was charted, nodding more to the situationism of Asger Jorn than Guy Debord, with frequent allusions to the "magico-Marxism" current amongst British groups, such as the reformed London Psychogeographical Association.

Xiang Jingyu

When she studied in Montargis, she read many of Marx’s works, and developed a belief in Marxism and Communism.

see also

Anna Larina

In 1988, she gave a speech at a conference commemorating the hundredth anniversary of Bukharin’s birth given by the Institute of Marxism-Leninism of the Communist Party Central Committee.

Savas Matsas

He has been trying to offer "a reinterpretation of the revolutionary theory and marxism from the perspective of messianism and Jewish mystic, and vice versa".