
3 unusual facts about Arithmetic


Frege applied the results from the Begriffsschrifft, including those on the ancestral of a relation, in his later work The Foundations of Arithmetic.

Rashtrakuta literature

In mathematics, ground breaking theories on Algebra, Arithmetic and Geometry were postulated by Mahaviracharya, a native of Gulbarga who belonged to the Karnataka mathematical tradition.

Secretum Philosophorum

Book IV, ‘Arithmetic’ ‘teaches numbers per se’ (Arismetrica docet de numero per se).

A Young Man Being Introduced to the Seven Liberal Arts

Presided over by Prudentia, the circle also includes Rhetoric, Logic, Arithmetic, Geometry, Astronomy and Music, each recognizable by means of various attributes.

Alpha Waves

The computation of sine and cosines was similarly done using only integer arithmetic.

Arakelov theory

An arithmetic cycle of codimension p is a pair (Z, g) where Z ∈ Zp(X) is a p-cycle on X and g is a Green current for Z, a higher dimensional generalization of a Green function.

Basic skills

A widely cited paper by Constance Kamii even suggests that teaching of basic arithmetic methods is harmful to learning, and guided the thinking behind many of today's commonly used mathematics teaching curricula.

Bibi Khanoom Astarabadi

The subjects taught at this school consisted of, in alphabetic order, Arabic language, Arithmetic, Cookery, Geography, History, Law, Music, Persian literature, and Religion, to name but some.

Binary-coded decimal

Denser packings of BCD exist which avoid the storage penalty and also need no arithmetic operations for common conversions.

Brooke Fraser discography

As well as "Better", What to Do with Daylight spawned the singles "Lifeline", "Saving the World", "Arithmetic" and "Without You", all of which reached the top 20 of the New Zealand Singles Chart.

Büchi arithmetic

Büchi arithmetic of base k is the first-order theory of the natural numbers with addition and the function V k(x) which is defined as the bigger power of k dividing x, named in honor of the Swiss mathematician Julius Richard Büchi.

C.S. Venkitaraman

The Theory of Arithmetic Functions was initiated in the thirties by Professors E. T. Bell of the California Institute of Technology and independently by Prof R Vaidyanathaswamy.

Cuisenaire rods

He published a book on their use in 1952 called Les nombres en couleurs. Cuisenaire, a violin player, taught music as well as arithmetic in the primary school in Thuin.

Education in Ethiopia

In the third stage the Acts of the Apostles were studied, while certain prayers were also learnt, and writing and arithmetic continued.

Eric Hehner

In 1979, Hehner invented a method of representing rational numbers with current University of Victoria professor Nigel Horspool called quote notation, which allows for easier arithmetic and produces no roundoff error in arithmetic calculations implementing a generalization of radix notation.

First Dutch Academy

The theatre did not give in, particularly since its first two professors were Mennonites (Sibrant Hanses Cardinael in Arithmetic and Jan Thonis in Hebrew).

Hilbert–Bernays provability conditions

In mathematical logic, the Hilbert–Bernays provability conditions, named after David Hilbert and Paul Bernays, are a set of requirements for formalized provability predicates in formal theories of arithmetic (Smith 2007:224).


He constructed a pair of flat tori of 16 dimension, using arithmetic lattices first studied by Ernst Witt.

John of Damascus

Under the instruction of Cosmas, who also taught John's orphan friend (the future St. Cosmas of Maiuma), John is said to have made great advances in music, astronomy and theology, soon rivalling Pythagoras in arithmetic and Euclid in geometry.

John Opie

He showed a precocious talent for drawing and mathematics; by the age of twelve he had mastered Euclid and opened an evening school for poor children where he taught reading, writing and arithmetic.

King Henry VIII School Abergavenny

The school at this time was supposed to be a grammar school taking pupils from all over North Monmouthshire with a curriculum of Latin, English, History, Geography, French, Arithmetic, Algebra, Trigonometry and Chemistry.

Learning difficulties

#Dyscalculia, difficulty in learning or comprehending arithmetic

Logic gate

The binary number system was refined by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (published in 1705) and he also established that by using the binary system, the principles of arithmetic and logic could be combined.

Long Division

Long division, a standard arithmetic procedure for dividing simple or complex multidigit numbers

Martianus Capella

Among the wedding gifts are seven maids who will be Philology's servants: they are the seven liberal arts: Grammar (an old woman with a knife for excising children's grammatical errors), Dialectic, Rhetoric (a tall woman with a dress decorated with figures of speech and armed in a fashion to harm adversaries), Geometry, Arithmetic, Astronomy and (musical) Harmony.

Michael Brotherton

During the Common Market referendum of 1975, Brotherton strongly attacked Edward du Cann who made a last minute anti-Market speech; Brotherton declared that du Cann "requires either psychiatric treatment or lessons in simple arithmetic".


Modular arithmetic: Part of a system of arithmetic for integers, where numbers "wrap around" upon reaching a certain value—the modulus.

More Sideways Arithmetic From Wayside School

More Sideways Arithmetic From Wayside School is the fifth novel in the Wayside School series of novels by Louis Sachar.

Negative base

Imaginary-base arithmetic is not much different from negative-base arithmetic, since an imaginary-base number may be considered as the interleave of its real and imaginary parts; using INTERCAL-72 notation,

Perpetual calendar

Even though the individual operations in the formulas can be very efficiently implemented in software (requiring no processor-intensive floating-point operations), they are too complicated for most people to perform all of the arithmetic mentally.

Pierre Deligne

In joint work with George Lusztig, Deligne and Lusztig applied étale cohomology to construct representations of finite groups of Lie type; with Michael Rapoport, Deligne worked on the moduli spaces from the 'fine' arithmetic point of view, with application to modular forms.


Morris Kline classifies the four elements of the quadrivium as pure (arithmetic), stationary (geometry), moving (astronomy) and applied (music) number.

Rado graph

Then, for any sets U and V, by the Chinese remainder theorem, the numbers that are quadratic resides modulo every prime in U and nonresidues modulo every prime in V form a periodic sequence, so by Dirichlet's theorem on primes in arithmetic progressions this number-theoretic graph has the extension property.

Raima Database Manager

Non-C data type manipulation API—provides access to all of the BCD arithmetic functions as well as a rich set of functions for manipulating date, time, and timestamp data values.

Rational data type

Clojure can perform arithmetic on rational numbers and offers a literal form to represent them.

Saturation arithmetic

Saturation arithmetic for integers has also been implemented in software for a number of programming languages including C, C++, Eiffel.

Severi variety

a variety contained in a Hilbert scheme that parametrizes curves in projective space with given degree, arithmetic genus, and number of nodes and no other singularities.

Shea Zellweger

Roman Numerals (I, II, III) were cumbersome to use and only maintained a dominant role in arithmetic until 1202, when Leonardo Fibonacci in his work Liber Abaci, demonstrated that calculations with Hindu-Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3) were far more efficient.

Sideways Arithmetic From Wayside School

Sideways Arithmetic From Wayside School is a children's novel by Louis Sachar in the Sideways Stories From Wayside School series.

Standard algorithms

Some researchers such as Constance Kamii have suggested that elementary arithmetic, as traditionally taught, is not appropriate in elementary school.

Tau function

Divisor function, an arithmetic function giving the number of divisors of an integer.

see also