Ensemble Studios was a video game developer initially established in 1995 as an independent company by Tony Goodman, Rick Goodman and John Boog-Scott, but was acquired by Microsoft in 2001 and operated as an internal studio until 2009, when it was officially disbanded.
Goodman would soon break up with Sierra and start working on a new game Empires: Dawn of the Modern World.
He is best known for the RTS games he designed, such as Age of Empires and Empire Earth.
In 2001, Stainless Steel, under Goodman, created Empire Earth.
Their first project was Age of Empires (AoE), in which Goodman worked as Lead Designer.
Benny Goodman | Rick Ross | Rick Perry | John Goodman | Rick Dees | Rick Santorum | Bergdorf Goodman | Amy Goodman | Goodman Theatre | Rick Rubin | Rick Moody | Rick Wakeman | Rick James | Rick Danko | Rick Astley | Steve Goodman | Rick Wagoner | Rick Springfield | Rick Snyder | Rick Scott | Rick Ross (rapper) | Andy Goodman | The Benny Goodman Story | Rick Trevino | Rick Derringer | Rick Warren | Rick Reilly | Rick Prelinger | Rick Nowels | Rick Mercer |