In March 2013, Howard and Johnston conducted a video interview with the Active mail order company's YouTube channel, explaining the innovation of Howard signature model shoe that had been manufactured with a cup sole, as opposed to the vulcanized sole that Howard had preferred over the preceding five years.
In September 1993, Rick Howard defected with seven other riders from the fold of World Industries and started Girl.
William Howard Taft | John Howard | Howard Hughes | Howard Stern | Howard University | Ron Howard | Rick Ross | Howard Dean | Howard Hawks | Rick Perry | Howard Zinn | The Howard Stern Show | Robert E. Howard | Rick Dees | Howard Shore | Rick Santorum | Howard Carter | Howard | Howard Baker | Rick Rubin | Rick Moody | Howard County, Maryland | Trevor Howard | Rick Wakeman | Rick James | Michael Howard | Clint Howard | Rick Danko | Leslie Howard | Clark Howard |