
unusual facts about Ringing


Bird ringing, using numbered small metal leg rings to track birds;

Alexander Chayanov

Beginning in the mid-1990s, Vladimir Megre's Ringing Cedars series have many points in common with Chayanov.

Colin Crompton

An attempt by producer Johnnie Hamp to reproduce the atmosphere of the working men's clubs in a television studio, Crompton was famous for ringing a hand-operated fire alarm bell and telling the audience to "give order" when making announcements from "the committee" in between acts.

Damaris Johnson

Johnson's girlfriend, Chamon Jones, was accused of ringing up $2610 worth of merchandise over the course of two purchases at the Tulsa Macy's she worked at, but only charging Johnson just over $13 in total.

Death in Five Boxes

The doctor is carrying four wrist watches; a beautiful dealer in art is carrying a bottle of quicklime and another of phosphorus; and the owner of the Anglo-Egyptian Importing Company is carrying the ringing mechanism of an alarm clock and a convex piece of glass.

Donna Ludlow

She works as a barmaid at The Queen Victoria public house and takes to anonymously ringing up the Samaritans, where Kathy volunteers, but Kathy starts to suspect the caller's identity.

Fabian Stedman

Nowadays many hundreds of methods are practised; all, in some degree, owe a debt to Stedman's pioneering work which has value as well in mathematics (group theory) as well as the more limited field of bell-ringing.

While in London Fabian became a member of the Scholars of Cheapside, a society of ringing that practised at St Mary-le-Bow; the famous great bell of Bow from the nursery rhyme.

Giuseppe Zamboni

In the Oxford Electric Bell experiment at the Clarendon Laboratory at Oxford University, the terminals of what is believed to be such a pile are fitted with bells that have been continuously ringing since the device was set up in 1840.

Give a Little Bit

The song is characterized by the ringing tones of 12-string acoustic guitars, which is joined by a Hohner Clavinet through a Leslie speaker in the bridge of the song.

Knock, Knock, Ginger

However, under the Town Police Clauses Act 1847, it is a criminal offence to "wilfully and wantonly disturb any inhabitant, by pulling or ringing any door bell, or knocking at any door" punishable with up to 14 days imprisonment.

Little Eversden

The village has a GP Surgery, a bell ringing club, a sports field and pavilion.

Mario Filippeschi

Mario Filippeschi (June 7, 1907, Montefoscoli - December 25, 1979, Florence) was an Italian tenor, particularly associated with the Italian repertory, renowned for his ringing upper register.

Michael Barrymore

While ringing her son, Noreen Maltby (Elsie Kelly) sees Donald (Kenny Ireland) being taken to hospital, and says, "It looks like someone's died in the pool. Oh, that reminds me -- can you record Strike It Lucky for me? I don't know...one of the cable channels...".

Mingun Bell

At 90 tons, the Mingun Bell reigned as the largest ringing bell in the world until 2000, when it was eclipsed by the 116-ton Bell of Good Luck at the Foquan Temple, Pingdingshan, Henan, China.

Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland

In Brian Easdale's score for the 1948 film The Red Shoes, the melody from the chorale is heard as a theme late in the ballet, punctuated by ringing bells, brass instruments and a grand piano.

Oxford University Society of Change Ringers

The society was founded by John Edward Troyte (1848–1932, né Acland) on 2 February 1872, making it the oldest university society dedicated to change ringing.

Pep Comics

Issue #26 (April 1942) had a 'Remember Pearl Harbor' cover, with The Shield, Dusty and The Hangman ringing the Liberty Bell while a Japanese and a German soldier were tied up in the bell-rope.


Ringback tone, audible ringing that is heard on the telephone line by the calling party after dialing and prior to the call being answered


Ringback tone, the audible ringing that is heard by the calling party after dialing

Royal Jubilee Bells

It officially started at Albert Bridge with the ringing of the treble bell from the Ursula Katherine, which moved into the centre of the Thames to lead the 1,000 vessel flotilla.

The North Sea Scrolls

The album was described by Simon Price in The Independent as "deeply engrossing" and ringing "resoundingly with cultural and historical truth".

The Road to Hell

Another track, "Daytona", is about the Ferrari 365 GTB/4 "Daytona", in which he sings about the car metaphorically, with the engine and tyre noise from the car ringing out toward the end of the song.

The Three Bells

With lyrics in Swedish by Britt Lindeborg, Kikki Danielsson covered the song in 1979 on her debut album, Rock'n Yodel, as "Och vi hörde klockor ringa", translated "And we heard bells ringing".

The Wrong Doyle

"One of the great protean imaginations of the twentieth century, Robert Girardi combines a firm grasp of the real with a marvelously entertaining flair for the fantastic. The Wrong Doyle, as much as Vaporetto 13 or Madeline's Ghost, provides a ringing answer to the question: "What if a literary writer knew how to plot?"" Madison Smartt Bell

Time transfer

Examples of a one-way time transfer system are the clock on a church or town building and the ringing of their time-indication bells; time balls, radio clock signals such as LORAN, DCF77 and MSF; and finally the Global Positioning System which uses multiple one-way time transfers from different satellites, with positional information and other advanced means of delay compensations to allow receiver compensation of time and position information in real time.

Whitechapel Bell Foundry

The foundry produced "Great Tom" at Lincoln Cathedral, which can be heard from a distance of 13 miles, the "Clock Bells" at St Paul's Cathedral, the bells of Westminster Abbey and the 13 bells located at Liverpool's Anglican cathedral which are notable for being the heaviest change-ringing peal of bells in the world.

see also