On the first aired episode Sheila Became the New UKW Heavyweight Champion after defeating Rob Cage after cashing in the dream ticket contract what he had previously won at the December Bash.
He was also the first Englishman to wrestle in Poland for the Do or Die Wrestling promotion in Warsaw.
June 1, 2013 saw Cage appear back in the ring, post injury recovery, in a return match against Multi-time WWE Tag Team Champion and D-X Member Billy Gunn in Aberdeen for Wrestlezone.
John Cage | Nicolas Cage | Rob Zombie | Rob Lowe | Rob Schneider | Rob Roy | Rob Liefeld | Rob Corddry | Cage | Rob Swift | Rob Reiner | Rob Grant | Rob Ford | Rob Hyman | Rob Hubbard | Rob Halford | Byron Cage | Rob Sonic | Rob Roy (1995 film) | Rob Paulsen | Rob Marshall | Rob Mariano | Rob Malda | Rob Hrytsak | Rob Bishop | Rob Ryan | Rob Neyer | Rob Mills | Rob Dougan | Rob Howley |