While most of his time was spent scoring animated series such as “Hermie a Common Caterpillar” with Tim Conway and Don Knotts and “On the Farm” with Vince Gill, Amy Grant and Randy Travis to name a few, more film opportunities started to appear.
Rob Zombie | Rob Lowe | Rob Schneider | Rob Roy | Rob Liefeld | Rob Corddry | Rob Swift | Rob Reiner | Rob Grant | Rob Ford | Rob Hyman | Rob Hubbard | Rob Halford | Rob Sonic | Rob Roy (1995 film) | Rob Paulsen | Rob Marshall | Rob Mariano | Rob Malda | Rob Hrytsak | Rob Bishop | Rob Ryan | Rob Neyer | Rob Mills | Rob Dougan | Rob Howley | Rob Hardy | Rob Furlong | Rob Warden | Rob Steen |