The state highway crosses Mill Brook twice more in the downtown area before reaching its eastern terminus at US 5 and VT 12 (Main Street) just north of the historic Robbins and Lawrence Armory and Machine Shop, home of the American Precision Museum.
Pet Shop Boys | Enigma machine | Rage Against the Machine | D. H. Lawrence | Lawrence Ferlinghetti | Lawrence, Kansas | Lawrence | Automated teller machine | Little Shop of Horrors | Martin Lawrence | Saint Lawrence River | Marty Robbins | Little Shop of Horrors (musical) | Lawrence, Massachusetts | Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory | Lawrence Ritter | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory | Victor Talking Machine Company | The Body Shop | T. E. Lawrence | Steve Lawrence | Springfield Armory | Lawrence Summers | Soft Machine | Sarah Lawrence College | Tim Robbins | Lawrence Welk | Tom Robbins | Lawrence Taylor | Gertrude Lawrence |