
7 unusual facts about Robert Reich

Chrysler LH platform

One episode of Robert Reich's 1992 PBS miniseries Made In America focused on the then-yet-to-be-released LH's development and its role in reversing Chrysler's flagging fortunes.

David Wallis

The syndication agency now markets articles by more than 1000 top journalists, including Clive Thompson, Ted Rall, Susan Cheever and Robert Reich.


Economist Robert Reich has called team-building, leadership and management ability essential qualities for the entrepreneur.

Estate tax in the United States

In the 2006 documentary, The One Percent, Robert Reich commented, "If we continue to reduce the estate tax on the schedule we now have, it means that we are going to have the children of the wealthiest people in this country owning more and more of the assets of this country, and their children as well.... It's unfair; it's unjust; it's absurd."

Health insurance cooperative

Prominent economists such as 2008 Nobel Economics Laureate Paul Krugman and Robert Reich have also questioned co-ops' ability to become large enough to reduce health care costs significantly.

McLennan Community College

Started in 2004, the program has attracted such notable speakers as author Tamim Ansary, Nobel prize-winner James Watson, Bill Nye “The Science Guy” and former U.S. Secretary of Labor Robert Reich.

Reason: Why Liberals Will Win the Battle for America

Reason: Why Liberals Will Win the Battle for America is a book written by former Bill Clinton administration Labor Secretary, Robert Reich.

Casque and Gauntlet

Notable members of past delegations include Theodor Seuss Geisel (Dr. Seuss), Nelson Rockefeller, David T. McLaughlin, James Nachtwey, and Robert Reich.

James D. Boys

His research brought him into contact with leading members of the administration, including Robert Reich (US Labour Secretary), Sidney Blumenthal (Assistant to the President), Al Gore (Vice President), Tony Lake (National Security Advisor), Nancy Soderberg (Ambassador to the UN) and Morton Halperin (Director of the Policy Planning Staff).

Liz MacDonald

MacDonald has appeared on television with former presidential candidates, Congressmen and Senators, as well as notables such as Pat Buchanan, Ben Stein, Robert Reich, Art Laffer, Stephen Moore, Steve Forbes, energy expert Daniel Yergin, president of Cambridge Energy Research Associates, and Adam Posen, co-author with Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke and Frederic Mishkin of a book about inflation-targeting.

Western Behavioral Sciences Institute

Faculty and lecturers included leaders and innovators in academia, politics, science, business, and the arts such as Harlan Cleveland, Mary Douglas, Langdon Winner, Stewart Brand, Howard Nemerov, Robert Reich, Walter Orr Roberts, Rusty Schweickart, Nicholas Johnson, and Paul Levinson.

see also

Wealth inequality in the United States

In Inequality for All—a 2013 documentary with Robert Reich in which he argued that income inequality is the defining issue for the United States—Reich states that 95% of economic gains went to the top 1% net worth (HNWI) since 2009 when the recovery allegedly started.