
3 unusual facts about Western Behavioral Sciences Institute

Western Behavioral Sciences Institute

WBSI became best known, perhaps, as the place Carl Rogers, considered by many to be the most influential psychologist in American history, developed his theories of group behavior, or the place famed psychologist Abraham Maslow wrote his most important book, Toward a Psychology of Being, or the place that produced the winner of the Academy Award for Documentary Feature, Journey Into Self.

Student participants included CEOs of major corporations, high-ranking U.S. Army generals, scientists, renowned writers and other professionals including Paul Funk, Barry McCaffrey, Gloria Feldt, Donald B. Straus, Marlon Brando, Wesley Clark, Michael Crichton, Wayne Peterson and many others.

Faculty and lecturers included leaders and innovators in academia, politics, science, business, and the arts such as Harlan Cleveland, Mary Douglas, Langdon Winner, Stewart Brand, Howard Nemerov, Robert Reich, Walter Orr Roberts, Rusty Schweickart, Nicholas Johnson, and Paul Levinson.

see also