
13 unusual facts about Wilhelm Reich

A.W. Hill

Five years later, Hill followed with the second installment of the Stephan Raszer series, The Last Days Of Madame Rey, a tarot reading in the form of a mystery novel, or a mystery novel in the form of a tarot reading, with acknowledged literary debts to writers from Jules Verne to H. Rider Haggard to Jorge Borges to Wilhelm Reich.

Can Dialectics Break Bricks?

The film also contains many praising references to revolutionaries who thought and fought for the realisation of a post-capitalist world, including Marx, Bakunin, and Wilhelm Reich, as well as scathing criticism towards the French Communist Party, trade unionism and Maoism.

Eugene Mallove

His alternative energy research included studying the reproduction of Wilhelm Reich's Orgone Motor by Dr. Paulo Correa and Alexandra Correa, as well as the evolution of heat in the Reich-Einstein experiment.

Friedrich Kraus

Kraus' theory on bio-electrics is considered to be a forerunner to psychologist Wilhelm Reich's work with biophysics and body psychotherapy (vegetotherapy).

Junie Morosi

Morosi greatly admired Cairns from having read his academic writings and she introduced Cairns to the work of Wilhelm Reich, opening his mind to the relevance of human psychology as it related to social change.

Ole Thyssen

He started out as a marxist philosopher, writing about psychoanalysis, Karl Marx and Wilhelm Reich.

Otto Mainzer

At the time of his Paris exile, Mainzer became acquainted with the writings of psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich.

Political psychology

Freud and Bullitt (1967) developed the first psychobiography explaining how the personality characteristics of U.S. President Woodrow Wilson affected his decision making during World War I. Wilhelm Reich (1897–1957) inspired by the effects of WWII was interested in whether personality types varied according to epoch, culture and class.

Reichian therapy

Reichian therapy can refer to several schools of thought and therapeutic techniques whose common touchstone is their origins in the work of psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich (1897–1957).

Romantic medicine

However, this overarching, archetypal function would have to wait until the 20th century for its discovery and elucidation by Dr. Wilhelm Reich (Super-imposition or Überlagerung) and Rudolf Steiner’s Metamorphosis, the exponents of the underlying Kraftwesen.

Stephen Ward Doubleday

His daughter Angelica Cushman Doubleday Tropp and her husband Simeon became the principal financial backers of Wilhelm Reich during his years in America.

Trobriand Islands

The psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich drew on Malinowski's studies of the islands in writing his The Invasion of Compulsory Sex Morality and consequently in developing his theory of sex economy in his 1936 work Die Sexualität im Kulturkampf.

Walter Kolbenhoff

In 1933 he left Germany for Denmark, where he stayed until 1940, with Wilhelm Reich.

Berlin Psychoanalytic Institute

Ernst Simmel, Hanns Sachs, Franz Alexander, Sándor Radó, Karen Horney, Siegfried Bernfeld, Otto Fenichel, Theodor Reik, Wilhelm Reich and Melanie Klein were among the many psychoanalysts who worked at the Institute.

Christopher Hyatt

Regardie introduced Hyatt to Reichian therapy, which he insisted Hyatt learn prior to any magickal pursuits.

Hans Krieger

He has been an influential reviewer of books and authors, such as Wilhelm Reich, Alice Miller, Arthur Janov, Arno Gruen and Otto Mainzer.

Ken Knabb

Knabb's own writings include leaflets, comics, pamphlets and articles on Wilhelm Reich, Georges Brassens, Gary Snyder, the 1960s hip counterculture, the 1970 Polish revolt, the 1979 Iranian revolution, the 1991 Gulf war, the 2006 anti-CPE revolt in France, and the 2011 Occupy movement.

Me and the Orgone

Me and the Orgone – The True Story of One Man's Sexual Awakening (1971) is an autobiographical account written by American actor and award-winning director Orson Bean about his life-changing experience with the controversial orgone therapy developed by Austrian psychiatrist Wilhelm Reich.