Robert W. Mitchell (born April 25, 1933 in Wellington, Texas—died March 18, 2010 in San Antonio, Texas) was an American invertebrate zoologist and photographer.
Robert Louis Stevenson | Robert De Niro | Robert E. Lee | Robert Mugabe | Robert Redford | Robert Burns | Robert Bosch GmbH | Robert | Robert A. Heinlein | Robert Schumann | Robert Browning | Robert Rauschenberg | Robert Plant | Joni Mitchell | Robert Altman | Robert Mitchum | Robert Frost | Robert Southey | Robert F. Kennedy | Robert Maxwell | Robert Graves | Robert E. Howard | Robert Fripp | Robert Fisk | Robert Rodriguez | Robert Motherwell | Robert Lowell | Robert Johnson | Robert Duvall | Robert Boyle |
Institute's executive board and research posts are occupied by leading free-market economists and business leaders, such as Edwin Meese III, John Blundell, Dr. Andrey Illarionov, Monica Macovei, Maurice McTigue, Ivan Mikloš, Dr. Alvin Rabushka, Dr. Daniel J. Mitchell and others.
In his Senate run Salvi defeated Lieutenant Governor Bob Kustra in the Republican primary but was defeated by Democratic U.S. Representative Dick Durbin in the general election.
She joined Mail Abuse Prevention System (MAPS), the first formal anti-spam organization, as Director of Legal and Public Affairs.
This award, known as the Bobby Bragan Youth Foundation Lifetime Achievement Award has been bestowed upon individuals including Willie Mays, Robert W. (Bobby) Brown, Lou Brock and Brooks Robinson.
Robert W. Campbell Award an environmental, health, and safety award named in honor of Robert W. Campbell
Ormonde, designed by architect Frank Furness; Notleymere, designed by architect Robert W. Gibson; Scrooby, designed by architect Robert S. Stephenson; and Shore Acres, designed by architect Stanford White.
Born in 1838 in York County, Maine, Mitchell began his photographic career as an errand boy in a daguerreotype gallery in Maine at the age of nine.
When Mitchell, an only child, was three, the family moved to Berkeley, where he attended Berkeley High School.
He attended Colorado College under the Navy V-12 program, and also attended Southwestern University and North Texas Agricultural and Mechanical College.
Developed by William J. Mitchell and other team members at the Smart Cities project at the MIT Media Lab, the GreenWheel puts the motor and its batteries inside a housing that fits into the bicycle's wheel hub.
Robert W. Hartsock (1945–1969), United States Army soldier and Medal of Honor recipient
He was head of research and development for Acorn Computers (U.K.), where he managed the development of the first ARM RISC chip and was President of the Acorn Research Centre in Palo Alto, California.
Following the collapse of his own confectionery company, the Oxford Candy Company, during the United States Great Depression James O. Welch's brother, Robert W. Welch, Jr., co-founder of the John Birch Society, joined the James O. Welch Company.
A dissertation on Mercer's life and frontier experience was completed in 1950 at the University of Texas by Robert W. Mondy, the late professor of history at Louisiana Tech University in Ruston, Louisiana.
During his law practice in Oregon, Mitchell did some legal work for a client named Marcus Neff.
During the American Civil War he served as a 1st lieutenant in the 24th Wisconsin Infantry Regiment.
He was an unsuccessful candidate for reelection in 1898 to the Fifty-sixth Congress.
At 41 years old, Simons was recruited by the Georgia governor Roy Barnes and the Robert W. Woodruff Foundation of Atlanta to be the Founding Director of the Winship Cancer Institute at Emory University.
He also told baseball investigator George J. Mitchell that one of the players had injected the steroids into the other player's buttocks, and then injected them into his own body.
In 1874, in a district court case, Deady ruled in favor of Marcus Neff in a lawsuit against Sylvester Pennoyer concerning unpaid legal fees to John H. Mitchell and a sheriff's auction of Neff's land to Pennoyer.
In 1970, John N. Mitchell, Attorney General, authorized a warrantless wiretap for the purpose of gathering intelligence regarding the activities of a radical group that had made tentative plans to take actions threatening the Nation's security.
Two of the company's patents on the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes were ruled invalid on March 29, 2010 by Judge Robert W. Sweet in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York.
The beginning of the Neo-Gramscian perspective can be traced to York University professor emeritus, Robert W. Cox's article "Social Forces, States and World Orders: Beyond International Relations Theory", in Millennium 10 (1981) 2, and "Gramsci, Hegemony and International Relations: An Essay in Method", published in Millennium 12 (1983) 2.
This aspect of the problem has been discussed by media scholar Robert W. McChesney in his books on The Problem of the Media: U.S. Communication Politics in the 21st Century, and
Franz Liszt's Symphony to Dante's Divina Commedia (1856) has a "Purgatorio" movement, as does Robert W. Smith's The Divine Comedy (2006).
The RDA was developed during World War II by Lydia J. Roberts, Hazel Stiebeling and Helen S. Mitchell, all part of a committee established by the U.S. National Academy of Sciences to investigate issues of nutrition that might "affect national defense" (Nestle, 35).
Aside from composing original scores for Film, Mitchell has scored music for Theatre Productions and Live Events which include the Opening Ceremony for Euro '96 at Wembley Stadium. He was commissioned to write the score for one-man theatre show Ousama with Nadim Sawalha directed by Corin Redgrave at the Brixton Shaw Theatre, and a jazz suite for the Francis Bacon Retrospective Exhibition at the Tate Britain in 2008.
On December 13, 2007, Stone was included in the detailed Mitchell Report by Senator George Mitchell in which he was alleged to have used steroids throughout his career.
Altman is known for having several former high level members of the Democratic Party of his acquaintance including Former Democratic National Committee Chairman Terry McAuliffe,Former United States House of Representatives Majority Whip Tony Coelho, and Former Senate Majority Leader George J. Mitchell of Maine.
Robert W. Lyon (1842–1904), American politician, mayor of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
He is currently Canada Excellence Research Chair in Quantum Nonlinear Optics at the University of Ottawa and on the Faculty at the University of Rochester.
His involvement in Demme's documentary led to an unlikely career as an actor in more than a dozen films over the next two decades, including roles in Philadelphia, The Addiction, Beloved, and Rachel Getting Married.
"The Coordination of Economic Activities: A Keynesian Perspective," with Axel Leijonhufvud, 1975, American Economic Review.
After one year in Lhasa, he was requested to go to Chamdo, capital of eastern Tibet (Kham), to establish a radio link between Lhasa and Chamdo.
After graduating from Simsbury High School, Rob earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from Saint Anselm College in 1975 and later received his Juris Doctor from the University of Bridgeport School of Law, now Quinnipiac University, in 1980.
Robert Woodrow Levering (October 3, 1914 – August 11, 1989) was a U.S. Representative from Ohio, son-in-law of Usher L. Burdick and brother-in-law of Quentin N. Burdick.
He was an unsuccessful candidate for reelection to the Eighty-seventh Congress in 1960 and for election in 1962.
He was buried in Calvary Cemetery in the west suburb of McKees Rocks.
MacDonald pulled a similar prank later during the 1960 presidential campaign when John F. Kennedy was the featured speaker at a rally at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles.
Mattson was elected State Auditor at the age of 26, the second-youngest to attain statewide office in Minnesota; the distinction of being the youngest goes to Jim Lord, who was 25 when elected State Treasurer.
Back at Yale, McCollum and Dr. Saul Krugman performed studies at Willowbrook State School in Staten Island, New York, where they found that a form of hepatitis was spread through blood transfusions and that transmission of serum hepatitis (now known as hepatitis B) could be blocked using gamma globulin.
Morgan also appeared on television as host of several variety shows, including Morgan’s Alley, ABC’s In Concert, NBC’s The Helen Reddy Show, and KHJ-TV’s Groovy Show, which he co-hosted with teen model Kam Nelson.
He claimed that he was born in 1811, ran away from home at age nine, was adopted by Winnebago Chief Big John and romanced the chief's daughter.
After some demonstrations before scientific groups, he was asked to supply a projector and staff to the Alhambra Music Hall in Leicester Square, and he presented his first theatrical programme on 25 March 1896.
Sennewald served as Commander in Chief, U.N. Command/Commander in Chief, ROK/U.S. Combined Forces Command/Commander, U.S. Forces Korea/Commanding General, Eighth U.S. Army (CINCUNC/CINCCFC/COMUSFK/CG EUSA) from 1982 to 1984; and as Commanding General, U.S. Army Forces Command (CG FORSCOM) from 1984 to 1986.
Tiny Mitchell, Commodore of the Royal Corinthian in Burnham wanted to sail his 6 metre in the Solent and he bought the building from Rosa's estate, and set up the Southern branch.
The Texas Republican and the Tri-Weekly Herald, both published by Robert W. Loughery, were credited with aiding the election of Marshall citizens J.P. Henderson, Edward Clark, and Pendleton Murrah to the Governor's office and Louis T. Wigfall to the U.S. Senate.
Hundreds of genre author entries are provided, including: William Beckford by E.F. Bleiler, Ambrose Bierce and Algernon Blackwood by Jack Sullivan, Ramsey Campbell by Robert Hadji, Robert W. Chambers by T. E. D. Klein, James Herbert by Ramsey Campbell, Shirley Jackson by Sullivan, Stephen King by Don Herron, Arthur Machen by Klein, Ann Radcliffe by Devendra P. Varma, and Peter Straub by Patricia Skarda.
Yue-Laou (sic) appears as a character in Robert W. Chambers' short story "The Maker of Moons" from the collection of the same name in 1896.