After graduating, she followed the classic route of repertory theatre, touring, TV, and radio, where she met and eventually married Rod Burton.
As part of a trio with Matthew Corbett and Jane Tucker, their contribution to the show was to sing a song everyday using the theme of the day.
Rod Stewart | Richard Burton | Tim Burton | Richard Francis Burton | Rod Blagojevich | Rod Serling | Gary Burton | Rod Taylor | Burton | Rod Laver | Rod Marsh | Harold Hitz Burton | Dan Burton | Burton upon Trent | National Hot Rod Association | Hot Rod Circuit | Decimus Burton | LeVar Burton | Ward Burton | Rod Hull | Lance Burton | Jeff Burton | Francis Burton Harrison | Burton Snowboards | Burton Richardson | Rod Argent | James Burton | International Hot Rod Association | Burton Silver | Burton E. Green |
He appeared in the 1971 Doctor Who serial The Dæmons as a character called Jones and was a regular performer in the Thames Television children's show Rainbow, where he sang and performed and wrote with Rod Burton and Jane Tucker as Rod, Matt and Jane, later better known as Rod, Jane and Freddy.