
3 unusual facts about Rodovia Raposo Tavares


It is also possible to access Carapicuíba from the Rodovia Raposo Tavares, which runs just south of it in the city of Cotia, and from Osasco via the Avenida dos Autonomistas.


The city of Mairinque is situated in the central part of the state of São Paulo, 70 km from the state capital, to which it is connected by two major highways, the Rodovia Raposo Tavares and Rodovia Castelo Branco.

Rodovia Raposo Tavares

The highway starts in the city of São Paulo and continues westward, serving the main cities of Cotia, Vargem Grande Paulista, São Roque, Sorocaba, Itapetininga, Angatuba, Ourinhos, Assis, Presidente Prudente, Presidente Bernardes, Presidente Venceslau and Presidente Epitácio, at the shores of the Paraná River, by the border with Mato Grosso do Sul.

Transport in São Paulo

Many Brazilian highways pass through or start in São Paulo, such as BR-116, Rodovia dos Bandeirantes, Rodovia Raposo Tavares, the Rodovia Anhangüera, Rodovia dos Imigrantes, Rodovia Castelo Branco, and Via Dutra.

see also