Prior to his move to Tokyo he served as faculty at the Fiesole School of Music near Florence, Italy, at the Lausanne Conservatory in Switzerland, at the Rotterdams Konservatorium in the Netherlands, and at the Royal Northern College of Music in Manchester, England.
Roger Moore | Roger Corman | Roger Federer | Roger Daltrey | Who Framed Roger Rabbit | Roger Waters | Roger Maris | Roger McGuinn | Beaumont-le-Roger | Roger Zelazny | Roger Ebert | Roger Clemens | Roger Smith | Roger Miller | Roger Tory Peterson | Roger Vadim | Roger Sanchez | Roger Blench | Roger Williams | Roger & Me | Roger Taylor | Roger Staubach | Roger Heim | Roger Goodell | Roger Douglas | Bobo-Dioulasso | Roger Williams (theologian) | Roger Sherman | Roger Mayweather | Roger Lancelyn Green |
He took lessons and master classes with various teachers, for example David Thornton, Nick Ost, Steven Mead, David Childs, Roger Bobo and Thomas Ruedi.