1212 :, The Beal valley was recorded as part of the thegnage estate of Kaskenmoor, held on behalf of King John by Roger de Montbegon and William de Nevill.
According to the record publicized by the National Society Magna Charta Dames and Barons, Roger abandoned the sureties and therefore Roger de Mowbray (younger brother of William de Mowbray, another surety) was substituted for him; this probably explains Matthew Paris' alleged error.
Lying within the historic county boundaries of Lancashire since the early 12th century, Sholver was recorded in 1212 as being one of five parts of the thegnage estate of Kaskenmoor, which was held on behalf of King John by Roger de Montbegon and William de Nevill.
Lying within the historic county boundaries of Lancashire since the early 12th century, Werneth was recorded in 1212 as being one of five parts of the thegnage estate of Kaskenmoor, which was held on behalf of King John by Roger de Montbegon and William de Nevill.
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