
2 unusual facts about Roger de Rabutin, Comte de Bussy

De Bussy

Roger de Rabutin, Comte de Bussy (1618–1693), a French memoiristl commonly known as Bussy-Rabutin

George Etherege

It is possible that he witnessed in Paris the performances of some of Molière's earliest comedies; and he is thought, from an allusion in one of his plays, to have been personally acquainted with Roger de Rabutin, Comte de Bussy.

Roger de Rabutin, Comte de Bussy

He participated in the 1634 siege of La Mothe-en-Bassigny in Lorraine under the direction of maréchal de La Force.

In 1641 he was sent to the Bastille by Richelieu for some months as a punishment for neglect of his duties in his pursuit of gallantry.

In the year 1659 he fell into disgrace for having taken part in an orgy at Roissy near Paris during Holy Week, which caused great scandal.

He was sent to the Bastille on 17 April 1665, where he remained for more than a year, and he was only liberated on condition of retiring to his estates, where he lived in exile for seventeen years.

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