It depicts the crime solving activities of four police detectives, Chief Inspector Erwin Köster, played by Siegfried Lowitz until 1985, from 1986 to 2007 Chief Inspector Leo Kress, played by Rolf Schimpf, from 2008 to 2012 Chief Inspector Rolf Herzog, played by Walter Kreye and from 2012 Chief Inspector Richard Voss, played by Jan-Gregor Kremp.
Rolf Harris | Rolf Hochhuth | Rolf Singer | Rolf Köhler | Rolf Martinsson | Rolf Stommelen | Rolf Liebermann | Rolf Hachmann | Rolf-Dieter Heuer | Rolf Wolfshohl | Rolf van der Vlugt | Rolf Stranger | Rolf Steiner | Rolf Landauer | Rolf Gehring | Rolf Ellmer | Rolf Dieter Brinkmann | Rolf | Rolf Wilhelm Brednich | Rolf Wallin | Rolf Steininger | Rolf Schimpf | Rolf Pfeifer | Rolf Nesch | Rolf M. Zinkernagel | Rolf Mulka | Rolf Mellde | Rolf Maximilian Sievert | Rolf Majcen | Rolf Kirkvaag |