
unusual facts about Rolf Singer

Rolf Singer

During his time at the Academy, Singer made many expeditions to Siberia, the Altai Mountains, and Karelia.


Some unrelated genera, such as Cystoderma (Fayod 1889) and Limacella (Earle 1909), were removed from the genus whilst several related genera, including Leucocoprinus (Patouillard 1888), Macrolepiota and Leucoagaricus (Singer 1948), and Cystolepiota (Singer 1952), were segregated.

Psilocybe muliercula

Unable to locate this species in the field, botanist Roger Heim and mycologist Rolf Singer based their descriptions of this mushroom on dried specimens purchased from Matlatzinca Indians in the marketplace of Tenango del Valle, in the Nevado de Toluca region of the state of Mexico.

In 1958 Roger Heim described this fungus as Psilocybe wassonii, but without any Latin designation; Rolf Singer and Alexander Hanchett Smith described it in the same year as Psilocybe muliercula (muliercula = "little women").

Psilocybe yungensis

The species was described as new to science by American mycologists Rolf Singer and Alexander H. Smith, based on specimens collected in Nor Yungas Province, Bolivia, on the road to La Paz to Coroico.

Russula brevipes

To add to the confusion, Rolf Singer and later Robert Kühner and Henri Romagnesi described other species they named Russula delica.

Russula densifolia

Other synonyms include Rolf Singer's 1931 variety caucasica, Roger Heim's 1938 variety latericola, and C. Dagron's 1999 variety colettarum.

see also