
unusual facts about Roman mosaic


In 1796 three sections of a tessellated Roman mosaic pavement depicting Greek mythological figures were discovered by workmen in the grounds of Horkstow Hall.

see also

Château de La Bâtie-Seyssel

The chapel dates from the 15th century and houses Roman mosaics from the 4th century, discovered at Arbin.

Music of Luxembourg

The 3rd-century Roman mosaic from Vichten presents excellent representations of the muses Euterpe with her flutes and Erato playing the lyre, testifying to an early interest in music.

Perl, Saarland

The Roman mosaic in Nennig with a size of 160m², is the largest mosaic north of the Alps.

Rachel Jordan

She describes these abstracts as suggestive of "cellular life", citing influences from Paul Klee and Edward Hopper, as well as Roman mosaics, Islamic patterns, Egyptian hieroglyphics and the shapes revealed in aerial photography.