
unusual facts about Romero Cavalcanti

Romero Cavalcanti

He is one of the six people to have been promoted to Black Belt by the famous Rolls Gracie prior to his death in a hang gliding accident.

Rodrigo Medeiros

He received his black belt from Rolls Gracie student, Romero "Jacaré" Cavalcanti, he also trained under Fernando 'Magrao' Gurgel and is one of a select group of Jiu-Jitsu competitors to have won the prestigious World Jiu-Jitsu Championship openweight titles twice.

Mitsuyo 'Count Koma' MaedaCarlos Gracie, Sr.Helio GracieRolls GracieRomero Cavalcanti → Fernando 'Magrao' Gurgel → Rodrigo 'Comprido' Mederios

see also