Although the atolls were evacuated soon after the test, 239 Marshallese on the Utirik, Rongelap, and Ailinginae Atolls were subjected to significant levels of radiation.
Mike Harding's 1989 folk protest song Shaky Isles mentions the fate of the atoll in the lines "Black mist on Maralinga, grey snow on Rongelap, white sun under Mururoa. Whitewash to cover the cracks.".
Midway Atoll | Kwajalein Atoll | Rongelap Atoll | Johnston Atoll | Utirik Atoll | atoll | Ailinginae Atoll | Palmyra Atoll | Enewetak Atoll | Bikini Atoll | Haa Alif Atoll | Addu Atoll | Shaviyani Atoll | Rongerik Atoll | Rocas Atoll | Mili Atoll | Malé Atoll | Ailinglaplap Atoll | Thaa Atoll | Kaafu Atoll | Johnston Atoll Airport | Jaluit Atoll | Gnaviyani Atoll | Aur Atoll | Ari Atoll |
According to the Final Project 4.1 report, the Bravo test exposed 239 Marshallese on the Utirik, Rongelap, and Ailinginae Atolls to significant level of radiation, and 28 Americans stationed on the Rongerik Atoll were also exposed.
Aloha Council Pacific Basin District outreach efforts in the Pacific continue to grow with over 835 Boy Scouts and 240 Cub Scouts attending camps on Chuuk, Pohnpei, Kosrae, Saipan, Kwajalein, Rongelap, Majuro, Yap and Palau.