
unusual facts about Root–Takahira Agreement

Franco-Japanese Treaty of 1907

Further negations between in Japan and the United States to clarify their respective positions contributed to the Root–Takahira Agreement of 1908.


Joseph Mazur tells the tale of an otherwise brilliant calculus student of his who "challenged almost everything I said in class but never questioned his calculator," and who had come to believe that nine digits are all one needs to do mathematics, including calculating the square root of 23.

1635: The Cannon Law

The book explores the reactions of the Roman Catholic hardliners to Pope Urban VIII's actions in tolerating the new freedom of religion taking root in Central Europe during the climax of The Galileo Affair.

Arctostaphylos myrtifolia

A branch canker caused by species of Fusicoccum, including F. aesculi, causes some mortality, and root and crown rot caused by Phytophthora cinnamomi has destroyed entire stands of the manzanita and prevented its regrowth in patches of infested soil.


The botanical genus Asclepias (commonly known as milkweed) is named after him and includes the medicinal plant A. tuberosa or "Pleurisy root".

Bert E. Salisbury

Son, William Root Salisbury was born on June 20, 1911, in Syracuse.

Bezovica, Vojnik

Similar names based on the same root are common in Slovenian ethnic territory (e.g., Basovizza in Italy and Bezgovica) as well as in other Slavic areas (e.g., Bazje in Croatia, Bzová in the Czech Republic, etc.

Biotechnology and genetic engineering in Bangladesh

In 2012, the same group of scientists decoded the genome of Macrophomina phaseolina, a Botryosphaeriaceae fungus, which is responsible for causing seedling blight, root rot, and charcoal rot of more than 500 crop and non-crop species throughout the world.

Boeing 787 Dreamliner battery problems

U.S. Department of Transportation secretary Ray LaHood stated the administration was "looking for the root causes" behind the recent issues.

Brothers Keepers

The idea for the project took root in the 1990s, and when a German of Mozambiquan origin, named Alberto Adriano, was brutally killed by neo-Nazis in Dessau (East Germany) in 2000, a group of musicians decided to organize and fight back.

Cancer root

Cancer root refers to several varieties of plants in the family Orobanchaceae, particularly genera Conopholis and Orobanche.

Desmanthus illinoensis

Root bark of D. illinoensis has been found to contain N,N-DMT, NMT, N-hydroxy-N-methyltryptamine, 2-hydroxy-N-methyltryptamine, and gramine (toxic).

Domain Name System

When the DNS resolver gets a pointer (PTR) request, it begins by querying the root servers, which point to the servers of American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN) for the 208.in-addr.arpa zone.

Dudeney number

The name derives from Henry Dudeney, who noted the existence of these numbers in one of his puzzles, Root Extraction, where a professor in retirement at Colney Hatch postulates this as a general method for root extraction.

Dust Muhammad

The emperor Humayun sitting on some stone likeness of the throne, and in the distance under the trees playing three boys, one of whom the future Emperor Akbar I. Restless nature Doust Muhammad gave him root and in the court of the Mughal emperors - in the early 1560s, is already under Emperor Akbar I, Dust Muhammad left India and returned to Iran, where he lived out the last days in Qazvin.

Dying to Win: The Strategic Logic of Suicide Terrorism

He rejects Frum-Perle view that the root of the problem is in Islam (241-44).

Erebuni Fortress

Van as a root is also present in numerous other placenames in historical Armenia, including the city Van, Lake Sevan, and Nakhichevan, so it is probable that the van in Yerevan is another direct translation of the root.


Casuarina glauca is an actinorhizal plant producing root nitrogen-fixing nodules infested by Frankia.

Gawakadal massacre

On January 19, 1990, the night Jagmohan was appointed governor, Indian security forces conducted extensive house-to-house searches in Srinagar, in an effort to find illegal weapons and root out any hidden militants.

Henry R. Colman

The Rev. Henry Root Colman was born October 9, 1800, in Northampton, New York.


Higenamine (norcoclaurine) is a chemical compound found in a variety of plants including Nandina domestica (fruit), Aconitum carmichaelii (root), Asarum heterotropioides, Galium divaricatum (stem and vine), Annona squamosa, and Nelumbo nucifera (lotus seeds).

Horizontal gene transfer in evolution

In his article Uprooting the Tree of Life, W. Ford Doolittle discusses the Last Universal Common Ancestor – the root of the Tree of Life – and the problems with that concept posed by HGT.

Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall

In one of the episodes from the winter series, Fearnley-Whittingstall captures, prepares and cooks rabbits that he finds on his property and introduces viewers to a root called "salsify"—according to the host, salsify was popular during the Victorian era but has since declined in popularity.

Human branding

The English verb to burn, attested since the 12th century, is a combination of Old Norse brenna "to burn, light," and two originally distinct Old English verbs: bærnan "to kindle" (transitive) and beornan "to be on fire" (intransitive), both from the Proto-Germanic root bren(wanan), perhaps from a Proto-Indo-European root bhre-n-u, from base root bhereu- "to boil forth, well up."

Implied volatility

When forced to solve for vega numerically, it usually turns out that Brent's method is more efficient as a root-finding technique.

Kangirsuk, Quebec

But this name did not take root, and was replaced a year later with Bellin, named after Jacques-Nicolas Bellin (1703-1772).

Karl Ohs

In 1969, Ohs left his studies in agricultural economics at Montana State University to help the family move to a new ranch in Pony, Montana in a Tobacco Root Mountain valley outside Harrison in Madison County.

Kloosterman sum

After the discovery of important formulae connecting Kloosterman sums with non-holomorphic modular forms by Kuznetsov in 1979, which contained some 'savings on average' over the square root estimate, there were further developments by Iwaniec and Deshouillers in a seminal paper in Inventiones Mathematicae (1982).

Kudara no Konikishi clan

It was related to the fact that the emperor's mother Takano no Niigasa belonged to the Baekje-originated Yamato clan, who at that time claimed its root in the Baekje royal family.

Magdelaine de La Grange

Louvois reported to the King, who told Gabriel Nicolas de la Reynie, who, among other things, was the chief of the Paris police, to root out the poisoners.


The root of both "mannose" and "mannitol" is manna, which the Bible records as the food supplied to the Israelites during their journey in the region of Sinai.

Mirabilis expansa

This is an underutilized root crop that is found in the Andean region.


Pueraria mirifica is a root found in northern and north eastern Thailand and Myanmar.

Nevada County Narrow Gauge Railroad

Engine 10 was built by Fate-Root-Heath Company of Plymouth, Ohio, and was in service only during the first six months of 1936.

Phaseolus angustissimus

The Zuni people rub the crushed leaves, blossoms and powdered root on a child's body as a strengthener.


While razkovniche and raskovnik are the customary names in Bulgarian and Serbian respectively and the root is also preserved in the Leskovac dialect as raskov, in some parts of Macedonia it is known as ež trava ("hedgehog grass").

Relaxation drink

Common ingredients in relaxation drinks may contain kava root, melatonin, valerian root, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), Chamomile, Melissa officinalis, L-Theanine, L-Threonine, 5-Hydroxytryptophan or Passiflora.

Rusted Root Live

Rusted Root Live is a 2004 live album by Rusted Root


Serbin, Texas, founded by 19th Century Wendish immigrants, name is derived from the same root

Spittal, Pembrokeshire

Its name is a corruption of the word Hospital, which is also the root of such names as Spitalfields, London, Spital, Merseyside, Spital-in-the-Street, Lincolnshire, etc: the village possessed a hospitium (place of accommodation for pilgrims) belonging to the Cathedral of St David's.

Square root biased sampling

Square root biased sampling is a sampling method proposed by William H. Press, a computer scientist and computational biologist, for use in airport screenings.

Square root of 3

The shape Vesica piscis has a major axis: minor axis ratio equal to the square root of three, this can be shown by constructing two equilateral triangles within it.

Surigaonon language

It is very closely related to the Tausug language of Sulu (specially the root Tausug language without the Arabic words influence) and the dying Butuanon dialect of Butuan.


Most of the home versions of Tapper featured the Mountain Dew logo, but retained the bartender character of the original arcade game instead of the soda jerk in Root Beer Tapper.

Tourism in Zanzibar

The Kidike root site is a great place to view the endangered Pemba flying fox.

Ulmus elongata

No examples are known to grow in Europe; cuttings sent by the USNA to the Bonte Hoek nursery in Glimmen, Netherlands, in 2010 failed to root.

Unisan, Quezon

The name Kalilayan derived from the Tagalog root word lilay, referring to a kind of palm similar to buri with the smaller leaves in the size of anahaw leaves that grew once in abundance.

Vila Nova de Gaia

The origin of the name Cale (or Gale, since in Classical Latin there was not always a clear distinction between the letters "g" and "c") is likely Celtic, from the root "Gall-" with which Celts referred to themselves, similarly to Galicia, Gaul or Galway.

Virtual security appliance

Websense DSS sensor devices use CentOS 5.2 underneath and also allow root access at setup time.


People belonging to Kaushika ( Kaushik /Kousika/Kousikasa/Koushika/Kausika) Gotra take Rajarishi Kausika as their root.

Wolfiporia extensa

Common names include hoelen, poria, tuckahoe, China root, fu ling (茯苓, pīnyīn: fúlíng), and matsuhodo.

see also