
4 unusual facts about Ross River virus

Bushman repellent

Bushman Repellents are used as prevention from many insect-borne diseases including; Ross River virus, Dengue fever, West Nile virus, Malaria, Yellow fever, Japanese B encephalitis, Filariasis, Lyme disease, Leishmaniasis and Typhus fever.

Ross River virus

In 1956 an epidemic occurred in the Murray Valley which was compared to "acute viral polyarthritis" caused by Chikungunya virus.

Antibodies to Ross River virus have been found in a wide variety of placental and marsupial mammals, and also in a few bird species.

The Southern Saltmarsh mosquito (Aedes camptorhynchus) which is known to carry the Ross River virus was discovered in Napier, New Zealand, in 1998.

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