
3 unusual facts about Roy Greenslade

Granada Talk TV

Hosted by the well known Roy Greenslade, but due to low viewership the channel ceased broadcasting in 31 August 1997.

Kidnapping of Shannon Matthews

Roy Greenslade, in the guardian.co.uk blog, explained it by stating that "Overarching everything is social class" but added that Matthews being taken hostage in the UK made a difference.

Roy Greenslade

He has had a house in County Donegal for many years, and a close personal friend is Pat Doherty, whom from 1988 until 2009 was vice president of Sinn Fein, and who has been publicly named as a former member of the IRA Army Council.

Media Standards Trust

The campaign was directly supported by: Lord Fowler, Professor Onora O’Neill, Francis Wheen, Tom Watson MP, Dr Ben Goldacre, Baroness Helena Kennedy, Sir David Bell, DD Guttenplan, Professor Roy Greenslade, Professor Ian Hargreaves, John Lloyd, Isabel Hilton, Ian Jack, John Pilger, John Prescott, Richard Peppiatt, Andreas Whittam Smith and others.

see also