Born at Burton Hall, Stillorgan, County Dublin, his father Henry's home, Guinness was educated at Winchester College and then the Royal Indian Engineering College, and worked as an engineer in the Indian Public Works in 1880–95.
In the 1870s, it produced a number of famous international players including Stephen Finney, Petley Price, W.C. Hutchinson, N.F. Macleod, and F.D. Fowler.
Wynne was the son of Llewelyn Wynne of Mold, Flintshire and was educated at Brighton College and the Royal Indian Engineering College, Coopers Hill.
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The originator of the Royal Indian Civil Engineering College at Coopers Hill, Englefield Green, Egham, he was also its first president (1871–1880).
In 1885 shortly after the birth of his son he was appointed Professor of botany at the Royal Indian engineering college (Forestry department) at Cooper's hill, now part of Brunel University.