
unusual facts about Royalty Theatre

Royalty Theatre

The Lord Chamberlain's Office censorship was avoided by the formation of a subscription-only Independent Theatre Society, which included Thomas Hardy and Henry James among its members.

H. G. Pelissier

In April 1907 Pelissier's 'Follies' transferred to the Royalty Theatre in London, where he produced a five minute 'potted-play' called 'Baffles: a Peter-Pan-tomine', based on 'Raffles' and 'Peter Pan'.

Henry Lytton

In 1881, they joined the Philharmonic Theatre, Islington, appearing in several plays, including The Obstinate Bretons and The Shaughraun by Dion Boucicault, and then, with Kate Santley, played at the Royalty Theatre.

Louie Henri

They joined the company at Philharmonic Theatre, Islington in several plays, including The Obstinate Bretons and The Shaughraun by Dion Boucicault, and then, with Kate Santley, played at the Royalty Theatre.

Violet Vanbrugh

In 1893, she appeared opposite her husband Arthur Bourchier at Daly's Theatre and soon became his leading leading lady at the Royalty Theatre and then at the Garrick Theatre, where Bourchier was lessee for the first six years of the 20th century.

see also