
5 unusual facts about Rube Goldberg machine

Andy Biskin

In 2004, he animated and set to music a series of Rube Goldberg machines, including a "self-operating napkin", for his film Goldberg's Variations.

Commercial off-the-shelf

All these considerations lead to compare a simple solution (such as "paper & pencil") to avoid overly complex solutions creating a "Rube Goldberg" system of creeping featurism, where a simple solution would have sufficed instead.

Man vs. Cartoon

In the first episode, for example, the students re-create a Rube Goldberg machine featured in Wild About Hurry that begins with a slingshot and involves a large number of steps, culminating in a cannon shot.

Rube Goldberg Machine Contest

Teams of college students arrive at the competition with a tabletop Rube Goldberg machine designed to accomplish the task of the year.

Wittaya Subphayuth

Each episode consists of a match between two schools, whose teams are assigned to design and build a machine to complete a specific task, sometimes in Rube Goldberg fashion.

Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation

This nickname is derived from a girl (putatively Cinderella) on the cover with a Rube Goldberg machine.

see also