
2 unusual facts about Ruckers

Alan Cuckston

Alan's focus is very much on the Baroque period, and he had a Harpsichord built John Rooks of Ticknall, Derbyshire, based on a 1638 Harpsichord made by Andreas Ruckers.

Martin Skowroneck

Skowroneck has built harpsichords, clavichords, spinets and virginals after English, Italian, early (Ruckers) and late Flemish (Dulcken), 17th- and 18th-century French, and German models.


Ruckers |

Burkat Shudi

His harpsichords drew on the Flemish tradition, dominated by Ruckers, whose harpsichords had become extremely prized in the 18th century; he himself owned and hired out two Ruckers harpsichords.

see also