
unusual facts about Rufino Tamayo

Gary Conklin

Subjects have included the late American writer and composer Paul Bowles, in Paul Bowles in Morocco, which is as much about the North African country as it is about Bowles; Gore Vidal while running for U.S. Senate in 1982; the American painter Edward Ruscha, and the Mexican painter Rufino Tamayo.

Lorenzo Homar

While there, he was able to meet and learn from such artists as Ben Shahn, Rufino Tamayo and Gabor Peterdi.

Museo de Arte Moderno

The museum also hosts a permanent collection of art from Gelsen Gas, Frida Kahlo, Olga Costa, Diego Rivera, David Alfaro Siqueiros, José Clemente Orozco, Manuel Álvarez Bravo, Leonora Carrington, Rufino Tamayo, Juan Soriano, and Vicente Rojo.

Rene d'Harnoncourt

Davis was among the first to collect, display and sell the work of the emerging Mexican artists such as Diego Rivera, José Clemente Orozco, and Rufino Tamayo; others who frequented the shop included Miguel Covarrubias and Jean Charlot.

see also

Herlinda Sanchez Laurel

Her collective shows have been in Mexico and abroad, with foreign shows sponsored by the Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores, the Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes and various Mexican embassies in North America, Europe and Asia, along with biennales such as the first Bienal de Artes Plásticas de América Latina y el Caribe in Havana and the Bienal Rufino Tamayo.

Salón de la Plástica Mexicana

In its first three years, sales surpassed a half a million pesos, with the main beneficiaries being Rufino Tamayo, Luis Nishizawa, Guillermo Meza, Carlos Orozco Romero, Raúl Anguiano, Ignacio Beteta, José Chávez Morado, Juan Soriano, Juan O'Gorman, Olga Costa, Federico Cantú, Gustavo Montoya and Fanny Rabel.